You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 137 What does it mean? Did you write the law?

After understanding the files of this case.

Su Bai nodded slightly.

This case is not a purely civil case, but a civil case mixed with criminal proceedings.

"This case is an insurance case, especially a lawsuit filed with Quan'an Insurance. I have roughly read the files. There is a certain amount of trouble."

"But it's not too much trouble..."

With that said, Su Bai organized the files and placed them on the table.

This insurance case.

To put it bluntly, the insurance company did not want to lose money and relied on the strength of its legal department to bully others.

The cause of the case was that after purchasing personal accident insurance, the party who purchased the insurance suffered a sudden accident and became disabled while working.

Because they bought insurance, the client sought compensation from the insurance company.

The amount paid by the party concerned was relatively high at the beginning, and the amount of compensation paid was also high.

According to the content of the insurance contract, claims should be made.

However, the insurance company may refuse due to the higher compensation amount.

The reason for refusing to pay compensation is that because the insured party suffers from high blood pressure and the disability caused while working is not an accidental personal disability, the compensation is refused.

According to insurance claims, accidents caused by one's own illness are not covered by the claim.

Use this to refuse compensation.

And he said: If you don’t want to pay compensation, you can sue me if you can!

But the actual situation is that although the person involved has high blood pressure, the accident was not caused by high blood pressure.

This kind of rhetoric from the insurance company is obviously a way to shirk responsibility and is unwilling to make a claim.


When the client was already looking for a lawyer and preparing to file a lawsuit, the insurance company came with a trick.

Okay, sue me, right?

I acted preemptively. The insurance company investigated the evidence from nowhere, and then filed a case with the relevant departments on the grounds of insurance fraud.

The client was brought to court. The court of first instance determined that the client was suspected of defrauding insurance based on the evidence provided by the insurance company. According to Article 198 of the Criminal Law, the client was sentenced to six months in prison and suspended for one year.

Su Bai has already understood the entire file.

Convict the person concerned.

The most critical point in the judgment is that the insurance company provides ideological guidance and conversation guidance to the parties, as well as supporting evidence, as the conditions for judgment.

As for the insurance company's legal practice, Su Bai only has two words to evaluate it: French stick.

It's a level higher than a litigator.

What the insurance company is doing is completely equivalent to that, it’s shameless.

In order not to compensate, we directly take the person to court in the name of insurance fraud. If we win, we will send them to court. If we lose, we will at least get a judgment without compensation.

No matter how you look at it, it’s all about making money with blood.

Tsk tsk

Absolutely amazing

Quan'an Insurance is not a big insurance company in China, but it is considered a good insurance company in Nandu.

Anyway, if you buy insurance, you can make a claim normally.

You can't sue someone back, right?

But... this safety insurance really does just that.

Tsk tsk.…

What's the meaning? Did you write the law?

Who do you want to sue?

Su Bai suspected that this might be the history of the other party's fortune.

But this time, the case came to Bai Jun Law Firm.

Then his main focus is to deal with the French stick!

Duan Liang nodded slightly, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a relaxed smile:

"Since you think there are no problems, Lawyer Su, then this case will be handed over to Lawyer Su."

"The main reason is that I am afraid that if I lose the fight, it will affect the image of our Baijun Law Firm."

"Especially in Nandu..."

Su Bai smiled: "Don't worry, this case is a bit troublesome, but it shouldn't be a big problem."


Duan Liang smiled and nodded.

This case was transferred from his hands to Su Bai's.

Because of this case, everything that should be prepared previously has been prepared, and the files and other matters have been processed.

There is no need to run away anymore. You only need to meet the parties, ask a few questions and submit a change of client to the court, and then you can file a lawsuit application.

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

This insurance case can be considered a classic case!

It can be said that it is comparable to Wang Li's original Nandu Bank case.

Xiaoyi took a sip of tea, and Su Bai slowly exhaled. In the past few days, Li Xuezhen took a leave of absence.

I didn’t see Li Xuezhen, so I don’t know what this little rich woman is up to…

So I sent a message and asked: "What are you busy with recently?"

In the female dormitory of Nandu Law University, Li Xuezhen's face suddenly became surprised after receiving the news from Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su... I've been busy with outstanding graduates recently..."

"Things are a bit troublesome, but I will soon be able to finish my leave and return to work at the law firm...Lawyer Su, you don't have to worry about me."

"Okay, get ready! Don't worry, I will promote you to partner after you come back and become a full-time employee!"


Li Xuezhen's face was excited, and the teacher really got it right, so she quickly replied: "Okay, Lawyer Su!"

"Oh, by the way...the partners are not trying to make a big deal, right?"

"Lawyer Su is a lawyer who keeps his word, so it's impossible for him to make a big deal, right?"

Su Bai:? ? ? ?

Now everyone knows that asking a partner is a big deal?


Do you still know how to apply buffs to yourself?

To be honest, this Su Bai is really not a big cake...

So I replied.

"Don't's not."

Xiao Li's face was excited and his eyes were bright.

"Okay Lawyer Su!"



at the same time.

Nandu University of Law.

In the vice-principal's office.

Lao Li sat opposite Feng Lijian.

Looking at Lao Li who suddenly arrived in Nandu, Feng Lijian smiled:

"Lao Li, didn't you say you had a big project to do in Beidu? What? Why did you come to Nandu now?"

Lao Li shook his head: "It's not a big project, I just bought two pieces of land with not much money."

Feng Lijian: You don’t care how much it costs to buy a piece of land in Beidu...?

Feng Lijian smiled and did not answer Lao Li's words. Although this guy didn't mean to show off his wealth on purpose, it still sounded a bit weird.

Lao Li took the tea poured by Feng Lijian from the table, took a sip, and said with a smile:

"There's nothing wrong with my coming here this time. Didn't you say before that Xuezhen wants to run for the outstanding graduates of your school?"

"Now Xuezhen is about to graduate and is running for the outstanding graduates of your school. Isn't this a critical turning point in her life?"

"As a father, I'm not allowed to come over and take a look?"


The characteristic of a typical daughter slave is that she doesn’t want to miss anything important about her daughter.

Feng Lijian smiled and nodded: "Yes! I have to come and have a look."

After hearing Feng Lijian's words, Lao Li smiled:

"Yes, it should be, but Lao Feng, you are in school and you are Xuezhen's teacher. You should know Xuezhen's study and internship situation better than me, right?"

"Do you think Xuezhen can be selected as an outstanding graduate this time?"

Feng Lijian said: "Xue Zhen's grades in school are good, and her internship experience is particularly outstanding. There should be no problems."

“And I think it could also serve as a model for outstanding graduates.”

"Really?" Lao Li was smiling, very happy that his daughter had become a successful person.

"The main reason is that this time the school pays more attention to the internship content. Xuezhen's internship cases are more outstanding."

"Which red circle office is Xuezhen interning at? I can't sign a few contracts to express my gratitude...?"

"Old Feng, I guess you know which red circle place it is, right? Why don't you take me to see it today?"


Looking at Lao Li's serious expression, Feng Lijian coughed twice.

If Lao Li knew that his little cotton-padded jacket was leaking air, would he collapse?


Lao Li, this daughter-slave, definitely cannot bear such a big blow.

So he quickly changed the topic:

"Forget it, the Red Circle firm also has a few business orders from you. Besides, the place where Xuezhen interned is not a Red Circle firm, but it is also a good law firm."

"How many business orders do ordinary law firms still lack?"

"The main reason is that I'm not very familiar with the partners of that law firm. Let's talk about it next time."

Lao Li smiled and nodded: "Yes, okay!"

But after saying this, Lao Li's face suddenly wrinkled.

"Old Feng, if nothing else, it's difficult for me to come here not only because I want to see Xuezhen, but mainly because I keep dreaming."

"I dreamed that a brat abducted Xuezhen...Isn't that why I feel a little worried...

Lao Feng, tell me the truth, was Xuezhen really not kidnapped by any brat in school? "

"But why do I always have this kind of dream... Let me tell you, every time I have this kind of dream, I beat that brat in the dream!"

Feng Lijian chuckled.

"There isn't one in the school."

There is not one inside the school, but there is one outside the school, and it was not kidnapped by a brat, but ran away by the little cotton-padded jacket...

Feng Lijian recited these words silently in his mind without saying them out loud.

However, he still hinted at Lao Li: "You, a daughter slave, are too lenient... I want to beat someone up even in my dream."

When Lao Li heard this, he immediately became anxious: "Can I not be so lenient?!"

"You have worked so hard to raise her for 20 years, do you understand how I feel? Lao Feng, you don't have a daughter, you don't understand!"

Tsk tsk tsk.…

Said that again.

When Feng Lijian saw this, he smiled and sighed secretly in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn’t say anything…

Otherwise, Lao Li would be in such a state that he would be miserable and collapse...

I took a sip of tea and moved the topic to other places.



After getting to know him, Feng Lijian also found out what industry Lao Li was working on now.

The coal mining industry was no longer viable, so he turned to the real estate industry.

I bought a few pieces of land and planned to try it out first, and also invested in a few unicorn companies.

It can be said that the industries Lao Li invests in now are all over the world.

However, regarding real estate, Feng Lijian reminded:

"Nowadays, many real estate companies are involved in lawsuits, especially labor lawsuits and lawsuits about unfinished buildings. Don't get caught up in such lawsuits."

Lao Li waved his hand and reassured Feng Lijian: "The real estate I invested in is only a few dollars... Don't worry, I am a conscientious person and will not do such a thing."

Feng Lijian smiled and nodded without saying anything more.

Lao Li's character is still guaranteed.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is a lot of money and it is not limited to one industry.

Chatting and chatting.

There was a knock on the office door.

Li Xuezhen walked in from the door with a happy face.


When Lao Li came over, Feng Lijian had already informed Li Xuezhen that Lao Li was here.

After Lao Li saw his good daughter, a fatherly smile appeared on his face.


"Xue Zhen, your dad came all the way from Beidu... The purpose is to celebrate your graduation and to be selected as an outstanding graduate."

Li Xuezhen's face was happy and she said sweetly: "Thank you, dad..."

Looking at his good daughter, Lao Li's heart was filled with warmth.

But when I think about the dreams I have been having recently... I can't help but feel a little irritated.

However, the annoyance disappeared when I saw Li Xuezhen...



And inside Bai Jun Law Firm.

Su Bai also asked Duan Liang to notify the parties involved in this case to come to the law firm again.

Inside the office.

A man who was about 1.7cm tall and had a broken palm and seven fingers was sitting on the sofa uneasily.

The man's palm and other three fingers were injured in work-related accidents.

Su Bai poured a cup of tea and placed it on the side of the man's hand.

"Don't be so nervous. Lawyer Duan should have discussed this case with you and it has been handed over to me."

"I called you here today just to ask you a few questions about this case..."

The man's voice was hoarse, with a hint of joy in his voice: "Lawyer Su...I know you, Lawyer Su..."


The man held out his thumb with the palm of his good car.

Su Bai smiled and chatted with the man for a few words, waiting until the man calmed down.

He asked, "What do you think of the insurance company accusing you of deliberately defrauding you of insurance?"

While asking, he was still paying attention to the man's expression.

The man shook his head: "Lawyer Su, no...I didn't cheat on insurance..."


Su Bai nodded slowly. Through his micro-expressions, he could confirm that the man was indeed not a scammer.

So this case further illustrates the disgusting nature of insurance...

After asking this question, Su Bai asked the man's request again.

"Do you have any demands regarding this case?"

The man spoke anxiously: "Lawyer request have that crime dismissed..."

"I'm not very educated...I forgot what it's called."

"The other thing is, get the compensation I deserve..."

"Okay! I already understand your demands. If you want to follow up, wait for the lawsuit application to be approved. I will notify you when the time comes."

After listening to Su Bai's words, the man was stunned for a moment: "Lawyer Su... it's just that simple, are you done with the questions?"

Su Bai smiled: "Yes, I'm done asking..."

"Relevant issues have been written down in the dossier of the first instance... The facts are clear and the chain of evidence is clear. If there are any issues, we have already learned about them through the dossier."

"But...don't you have any other ideas?"

"Other ideas...?"

The man was stunned for a moment, not quite sure what Su Bai meant by this.


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