You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 138 If you’re going to come, I’ll give you some serious information, and I’ll tell you all!

Baijun Law Firm.

After the man left, Su Bai took a deep breath and understood everything he needed to know...

You can prepare to file a lawsuit.


Before that, some preparations need to be made….



Without Li Xuezhen, a trainee lawyer, Su Bai was really not used to it for a while.

So I sent a message to Li Xuezhen.

"When will the leave end...? The law firm has taken on a new case..."

Inside the female dormitory of Nandu Law University.

Li Xuezhen was sorting out her materials. When she saw the message displayed on the screen of her mobile phone, her little face was filled with happiness and her eyes curved into a crescent moon.

There was satisfaction and a little excitement in his expression.

"Lawyer Su, I will finish the school work soon and go back soon!"

"Lawyer Su, wait until I get back."

Looking at Li Xuezhen's reply, Su Bai smiled: "Okay."

This case really needs Li Xuezhen's cooperation. Just wait two days...

Anyway, it takes a certain amount of time for the court to accept the application.

Not in a hurry.….

Su Bai sat in the office, took a sip of tea, and breathed a long sigh of relief.



Nandu University of Law.

The matter of running for outstanding graduates actually only lasts a few days.

After the outstanding graduates were announced, Li Xuezhen unsurprisingly became a model for outstanding graduates of NDU.

Go on stage to receive the award.

Lao Li looked at his daughter standing on the podium in the audience, his hands were almost broken and he couldn't stop smiling.

I kept praising him in the audience.

However, this matter also has certain troubles.

After the models of outstanding graduates were announced, some people wondered whether Li Xuezhen had an affair.

after all.….

Some people had never seen Li Xuezhen in the red circle before.

Also, many people know about the relationship between Li Xuezhen and Feng Lijian.

But when the school announced Li Xuezhen’s internship participation case, it was a slap in the face.

The faces of those who questioned were smashed. There is no more doubt...

Because Li Xuezhen’s internship participation case is hard enough.

Some interns have some knowledge of major law firms when they interned in law firms.

Which law firm is the most famous in Nandu this year?

There is no other law firm except Baijun Law Firm!

Punch Nandu Bank, kick Nanshan Pizza Hut, promote judicial progress, and review members of the collegial panel.

This case and that case will be very explosive if you talk about it!

But Li Xuezhen was involved in every case.

Can't compare...can't compare at all.

I admire you.

Even some graduates who intern at Red Circle also lamented: This is completely cheating, who can compare?

It is considered good for ordinary trainee lawyers to be able to bring their own lawyers with a law firm and handle cases together.

What's more, they are all such explosive cases. Who in ordinary law firms would bring intern lawyers to handle such cases?

can only say.

They really can't compare to Li Xuezhen's internship experience.

In the vice-principal's office.

Li Xuezhen's little head was slightly raised, with a trace of nervousness in her clear eyes:

"Teacher, I didn't mean to hide it from you. In fact, I didn't go to the Red Circle Institute for internship."


Feng Lijian smiled slightly.

Even if Li Xuezhen didn't tell him about this matter, he already knew about it.

However, it was good for Li Xuezhen to confess to herself at this time. Taking the initiative to confess, at least she felt warm in her heart.


"I have known about it for a long time. I already knew about your teacher when you first went to Bai Jun Law Firm to file a lawsuit."


"That friend's lawyer and law firm from before should be referred to as Bai Jun Law Firm, right?"

"Okay, okay, your teacher already knew these things, it's nothing."

"It may not be good for you to go to a big law firm for your personality. Bai Jun Law Firm is now considered the top law firm in Nandu's criminal circle, and it is well-known nationwide. Although it is not large in scale, the main law firm at present is The case relied upon is a criminal case.”

“It has developed very well to this stage.”

"Don't worry, the teacher won't blame you or anything. If you have any trouble in the future, just ask the teacher. The teacher is also a legal scholar with friends in the legal circle. As long as it is not something illegal, the teacher will not ask too much. of."

Li Xuezhen was slightly surprised when she heard what Feng Lijian said.

His eyes fell directly on Feng Lijian. So the teacher knew all these things?

Wouldn't that

Does the teacher know about the lawsuit she filed?

Seeing Li Xuezhen's expression, Feng Lijian smiled kindly and said nothing more.

On the contrary, Li Xuezhen, after listening to Feng Lijian's words, understood all the context in her heart. The little face is full of smile: "Thank you teacher"

"Haha... between us teachers and students, what else can we say thanks?"

Feng Lijian laughed.

To him, Li Xuezhen was the only daughter of an old friend and his close disciple. He really regarded Li Xuezhen as half a daughter.

As for Lao Li, he said he didn't understand daughter slaves.

Total bullshit!

Did Lao Li understand how heartbroken he was when the little white rabbit was taken away by the wolf cub?

But he knew this feeling, so he didn't tell Lao Li for a long time!

I sighed deeply, and then chatted with Li Xuezhen about whether there were any difficulties in working as an intern at a law firm.

Li Xuezhen smiled and narrowed her eyes: "Teacher... I don't have any difficulties as a lawyer. It's pretty good. Teacher, don't worry about me."

"That's good.…"

Feng Lijian smiled and nodded.

After Li Xuezhen left the office, Xiao Lian excitedly sent a message to Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su, I have taken care of all the matters in school and can return to the law firm..."




Baijun Law Firm.

Inside the office.

To be honest, Su Bai was a little uncomfortable with Li Xuezhen's absence these days.

How should I put it? It feels like something that has always been there is suddenly gone. This feeling of discomfort is a very common emotion.

Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen who had returned from leave, smiled, and then handed over the materials and files on He Dongsheng, the party involved in the insurance case, to Li Xuezhen.

"This case is similar to Wang Li's case. Both are mixed with civil and criminal matters. Please take a look at the specific circumstances of this case first. We will go out later..."


"Okay Lawyer Su."

After Li Xuezhen took the materials handed over by Su Bai, she lay on the table and looked at the files and related materials carefully.

Then he said doubtfully: "Lawyer Su...isn't this He Dongsheng really cheating on insurance companies?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "I've confirmed that it's not really a case of insurance fraud...Does the first-instance file feel like a real insurance fraud case?"

Li Xuezhen's face was serious: "Lawyer Su... looking at the files of this trial, it does feel like a real bail fraud case, but if this case is really not a bail fraud case, then..."

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up: "Is there a certain problem with this case?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Yes, there are indeed certain problems with this case... The main problem is that this group of old French thugs from the insurance company ask leading questions."

"Then what the legal lawyer of this insurance company did is too disgusting! He didn't cheat the insurance company, but he deliberately prosecuted him! And he also asked leading questions... Isn't this intentional?"

Xiao Li's face was full of anger.

Su Bai nodded slightly: "Okay, don't be angry for now..."

"I asked you to prepare casual clothes yesterday. Are you ready? Go change first and go out with me."

Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen's standard professional attire and said.

"Go out...? Ah...? Do you still need to change clothes?"

"Lawyer Su, what are we going to do...?"

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up.

Seeing this, Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows: "Go out and buy insurance..."

buy insurance? ? ?

Li Xuezhen's face fell: "Oh, good Lawyer Su."



Quan'an Insurance Company Sales Department.

When Su Bai brought Li Xuezhen to the sales department, the insurance company's sales staff's eyes lit up after seeing the two of them.

You know, the staff of every insurance company attaches great importance to performance.

Usually I buy it by myself. After I buy it, my family buys it. After my family buys it, I ask friends to buy it...

Recruiting a customer is not easy.

Especially when performance pressure is high, it is even more rare to get a customer who takes the initiative to purchase insurance.

When seeing Su Bai and Li Xuezhen, a female staff member came up and spoke enthusiastically.

"Hello...are you here to buy insurance?"

"Well... come here and take a look at the insurance and buy one for yourself and your family."

Su Bai nodded.

After hearing the definite answer, especially the idea of ​​buying insurance for yourself and your family, the female salesperson burst into laughter.


"Mr. and Madam, what kind of insurance do you want to buy? We have many insurances here, such as life, medical, personal, security..."

"As long as you want to be insured, there is nothing that our safety insurance cannot cover."

"Excuse me, do you two have anything to protect? I can give you a recommendation."

Su Bai smiled and said: "My job is a bit dangerous, so I want to buy personal accident insurance..."

"oh oh.…"

"Personal accident insurance! Sir, let me tell you, you are absolutely right to buy this. The work is dangerous, so you must have safety guarantee. In case of any accident, it is better to buy insurance. There is a Assure!"


The female salesperson was chattering away and talking nonsense.

Su Bai listened quietly, and after the salesperson finished his statement, he asked:

"I'm really touched by what you said. If you say that, I also want to buy one for my dad. But I heard that your company doesn't seem to compensate for certain situations. But my dad has high blood pressure. In this case, I can buy it. Is there any personal accident insurance?”


"There is no problem, sir! But what I recommend is to not only buy a personal accident insurance, but also a medical insurance... Medical insurance is not enough, and you may need to buy another insurance to supplement it..."


The female salesperson introduced with a smile.

I almost linked buying insurance with buying happiness and well-being for the rest of my life.


Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Then let me buy myself a personal accident insurance first... wait two days and then look at the rest."

"That's's okay sir..."

The salesperson was very happy to have a customer and quickly went to get a personal accident insurance contract.

After reading the contract roughly, Su Bai signed the contract and kept his part of the contract.

He also asked the sales staff a few key questions he wanted to know.

Later, he and Li Xuezhen left the insurance sales department.

After walking out of the insurance sales department, Li Xuezhen asked curiously:

"Lawyer Su...isn't this insurance company the same insurance company we took the case from?"

"Let's buy insurance..."

Su Bai smiled, took out the recording pen from his arms, and waved it in front of Li Xuezhen's eyes.

"Buying insurance is to get evidence and see if there are any problems with the contract."

Recording pen.…?

"Lawyer Su...did you use a voice recorder just now?"

"...It is normal for lawyers to carry a voice recorder with them so that they can retain evidence at any time."

"You can also take the voice recorder with you in the future."


"Okay Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face.

After returning to the law firm, Su Bai put all the compiled files and required evidence materials on the table and took a deep breath.

The materials for the lawsuit have been prepared...

The next key is to apply for a court hearing!

Court hearing…

If it weren't for the insurance company's crooks who induced the client, He Dongsheng, to handle the case...

Then He Dongsheng will definitely not be convicted of bail fraud in this case.


The old legal thugs in insurance companies should be dealt with like litigators.

Su Bai submitted directly to the court to revoke the first-instance judgment and applied for Quan'an Insurance to pay He Dongsheng's due insurance compensation.

And demanded certain compensation for He Dongsheng's situation.

In addition, raising questions about certain circumstances in the first instance and suing Quan'an Insurance's legal affairs will have certain incentives for He Dongsheng.

This resulted in a wrong verdict in the first instance.

The jurisdiction of this case is in Nandu Intermediate Court.

Soon, the Nandu Intermediate Court accepted the case.

It was also confirmed that the litigation evidence and application submitted by Su Bai met the conditions for a court hearing.

After confirming the acceptance of the case, the court notified all parties.

Quan'an Insurance received a subpoena from the court, and the legal department said:? ? ?

What's happening here.…?

It's normal after all for someone to sue their security company.

But the current situation is to directly accuse them of the legal affairs of Safety Insurance and induce the parties?

This thing...

Once it is firmly established, it will be dangerous!

However, the security and insurance legal staff also know that they often step on the sidelines, and indeed there is a certain degree of inducement or covert threats...

But this is the first time they have been sued to court by others!

PS: Please vote for me~

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