After returning home, Ji Xian turned on his computer and posted an announcement on his game website: [At 8 o'clock tonight, "Xingchen" will be launched on the "Tanwan Game" platform. See you in the game.]

Soon, many comments appeared under the announcement.

These people are game fans who stay on the website and wait for the latest news about "Xingchen".

After all, "Xingchen" has accumulated a lot of popularity in the game circle through many people's water promotion and game video promotion in the past few days.

As a result, many people pay attention to the every move of this game.

Ji Xian was secretly surprised to see that the comments soared so fast, and he looked through the comments of netizens in his spare time.

"Fuck, it's really going to be open for testing. I thought the previous announcement was fake!"

"Brothers, what game platform is "Tanwan Game"? I've never heard of it."

"You don't know this? You should know the game "Tanwan Lanyue"! It's produced by this platform."

"Hello everyone, I'm Zha Zha Hui, I'm Gu Tianle, Tanwan Lanyue, I'll give you a new and different experience, if you're a brother, just kill me."


The more I read, the funnier it is. Ji Xian looked at the comments one by one, and he was in awe of the netizens' comments.

These people are all talented!

"Breaking up should be decent, no one should say sorry..."

The phone rang, Ji Xian picked it up, it was Zhang Yongzhi calling.

"Hey, Ji Xiaoyou, I want to do a wave of preheating promotion for "Xingchen" on the platform and the Internet now, what do you think?"

Ji Xian said without hesitation: "Of course, no problem, I agree with your idea."

Promotion can expand the popularity of the game, just like writing a novel, who would complain about the exposure of their own work?

"That's good, but it's better to have a special promotional video for the promotion. Can you make it urgently? This way, the promotion effect will be better.

Of course, if you really don't have time, you don't have to. I can ask my employees to find some previous "Xingchen" game videos on the Internet and splice them together as a promotional video."

Ji Xian immediately quit. Why should I look for videos to splice? Isn't a special promotional video good?

He attaches great importance to the game promotion mentioned by Zhang Yongzhi, so if he wants to do it, he must do his best, otherwise it will be meaningless.

"I'll send you the promotional video later." Ji Xian said proudly.

"I'm going to hang up first... huh? Xiaoyou, what did you say, send me the promotional video later?!" Chen Yongzhi exclaimed.

Ji Xian said "hmm".

"That's great. With the promotional video, I can guarantee that the number of game downloads tonight will increase by about 20%."

Ji Xian was also speechless. About 20%, how much shock value can he earn?

It should be quite a lot.

"That's it for now. I'll trouble you with the promotion." Ji Xian thanked him and hung up the phone.

He sat on the sofa, rubbed his temples with his hands, and muttered: "Promotional video, promotional video, how should I do this?

Can I shoot a video of me personally holding a big knife to chop monsters? This is too low-level! It's difficult."

He fell into distress. Thinking of the flag he had just set up, his face hurt slightly.

"System, is there any way to make a game promotional video for me? The speed must be fast and the quality must be high. I need it urgently."

Ji Xian really couldn't think of a good idea, so he had to ask the system for help.

"The host pays the system 10,000 shock value, and I can give you the promotional video now." The system responded.

Ji Xian's eyes widened immediately. 10,000 shock value? Why the hell don't you go rob a bank!

He only has more than 1,000 shock value now, and it was hard to earn it. You open your mouth and tell me 10,000 now, what? Do you think I'm an ATM?

Besides, he doesn't have enough. He has to keep his insignificant shock value tonight to prepare for the game's public beta. If he really gives it to the system, then he's done.

Ji Xian was trembling with anger, and said coldly: "Where can I get 10,000 shock value for you? You are so black-hearted."

After a pause, he sneered again: "The systems that others get after crossing over are all dedicated to serving the host, but what about you? You are always thinking about how to exploit me."

The system was silent for a moment, and said: "You can owe it first, the interest is 100 per day, if it is not paid off within a week, the interest will become 200."

Ji Xian was so angry that he trembled all over and almost spit out blood. There is such a thing?

Although he was extremely reluctant, for the sake of the game promotional video, Ji Xian had to accept the system's proposal and borrow money to pay the 10,000 shock value.

After that, he became depressed and laughed at himself. He might be the first person in the history of the thousands of time travelers who owed the system money!

Who else? !

"Host, here are several story scripts. You can take a look and choose the one you like. The system will make a special game promotional video based on its content."

Ji Xian picked up the several story scripts sent by the system listlessly and flipped through them slowly.

After a while, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes. His expression was solemn and he stared at the content of the last story script he had just opened.

The Blood Calendar lasted for 25,990,000 years.

The strange invaded, the star field collapsed, and the universe was in a mess.

In the second year, the ancient god abyss moved abnormally, and a magic sword was born. The sword light illuminated the past and the present. All the strange things were killed with one sword, and the universe was terrified.

In the third year, the world-destroying catastrophe came, and the dark turmoil broke out. The Star Emperor walked out of the ancient divine abyss and confronted the darkness.

In the fourth year, the war broke out, the Star Emperor died, the star swords in the sky were broken, and the darkness retreated.

Ji Xian's heart was beating fast and his breathing was rapid. He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

He actually saw the "Sword of the Stars in the Sky" from this story script! Could it be the sword rewarded by the system side mission?

Impossible, this is just a story, made up. The concepts of the two are completely different. I must be overthinking it.

Ji Xian quickly put an end to this bold idea in his mind.

But for some reason, he suddenly said out of nowhere: "System, are these scripts true or false?"

"Really." The system replied.

Ji Xian felt as if he was struck by five thunders in an instant. These stories are all true!

In that case, the Sword of All Heavens and Stars is also real? ! It's the one in the story, how could it be such a coincidence?

Is there any connection between the system and the Star Emperor in the story?

A series of questions appeared in his mind, and the amount of information was too large for him to react for a while.

However, he did not continue to ask questions. These matters had nothing to do with him. The top priority was to make a promotional video for the game first.

"Just this script!"

Ji Xian has chosen the script, which is the one he just read.

"By the way, system, you can design the protagonist of the promotional video according to my template. You also know that it would be a pity not to be the protagonist with my looks." Ji Xian instructed seriously.

There was no reply from the system, but Ji Xian seemed to hear a "cut" and he pressed his ears, suspecting that he might have heard it wrong.

About a minute passed, and the system produced a promotional video and sent it to Ji Xian's computer.

Ji Xian received the file receiving prompt, clicked on it and blurted out "fuck".

With excitement and shock, Ji Xian called the orange cat and watched the 5-minute promotional video with him.

I was speechless for a long time after watching One Man and One Cat. This is so true! If this was released, where would you put the promotional videos for other games?

"The scene in this video is so familiar. I seem to have seen it before." The orange cat muttered at the side.

It now has amnesia, and has basically forgotten some of the things it has experienced. The only thing it still remembers clearly is a strange thing that happened before it came to Blue Star.

At that time, he was sleeping in his cat's nest, but suddenly a mysterious man came and said he wanted to send him to a place.

Naturally, it was not happy, so it had a fight with the mysterious man, and the outcome was obvious. He was almost beaten into a ball by the other party.

Afterwards, the mysterious man opened a transmission channel and watched it go in with his own eyes.

Finally, it came to Ji Xian's side and lost all its cultivation for no reason.

After Ji Xian watched the promotional video, he immediately sent it to Zhang Yongzhi and urged him to promote it quickly.

Because it is already 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and it is only 6 hours away from 8 o'clock in the evening. If we don't promote it to gain a wave of eyeballs, it will be too late by then.

On the other side, after receiving the promotional video from Ji Xian, Zhang Yongzhi repeatedly praised it. It was so well made and the production time was so fast. It was really awesome.

He quickly took action and notified all platform employees to start operating according to the planned plan. At the same time, he released a promotional video on the "Game Maniac" forum, but it was only in ultra-high definition and could not support virtual viewing.

If you want to watch the virtual game, you must go to the "Ganwan Games" platform to watch it.

The reason why Zhang Yongzhi did this was to attract more traffic to the platform.

If a game platform wants to develop, traffic is the top priority.

In addition, he contacted Weibo's supervisor and spent a lot of money to buy hot searches to speed up the promotion of the game.

Not long after, an employee called and said excitedly: "Boss, the background data just showed that the traffic on our platform has increased by nearly 200%, and the increase is still increasing."

Zhang Yongzhi was shocked, but he did not lose his composure and issued an order: "Very good! Inform other personnel and tell them to maintain the operation of the backend server and make sure nothing goes wrong. Do you understand?!"

"Yes, I'll go right away."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yongzhi finally laughed, and his laughter contained full joy.

He had a hunch that as long as the public beta test of "Stars" goes smoothly, the "Ganwan Games" platform will develop rapidly and become the top gaming platform in the country!

At the same time, the promotional video for "Stars" continues to go viral online, and countless people were shocked after watching the video.

They had no idea that such a real game would be released. They were sure that if the game was exactly as described in the promotional video, the entire gaming industry would probably change.

In the rental house, Ji Xian closed the computer and walked to the window, looking into the distance with eyes as vast as the starry sky, and said with a smile: "Our game has just begun."

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