A night of silence.

After nine o'clock in the morning, Ji Xian got up in a daze. His sleepy eyes looked at the sleeping orange cat lying next to him, and he stretched out his hand.

The orange cat screamed and woke up from his sleep. After figuring out the situation, he stared at Ji Xian with a resentful look on his face and rubbed his chubby cat claws on the bed.

How can this person be so mean!

Don’t you know that disturbing people’s dreams can lead to being hit and killed by a car? Not a good match.

Ji Xian turned a blind eye to the orange cat's hostile gaze. He got out of bed, put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

"Damn it! Does this stupid human really think of himself as his elder brother?

If I hadn't lost all my cultivation, I would slap you to death right now, and why are you so proud now?

No, Meow must practice, return to his peak, and take revenge as soon as possible! "The orange cat spoke bitterly, and kept attacking the pillow with its two front paws.

Ji Xian had just come out of the bathroom after washing up. He accidentally caught sight of this scene, frowned and said in disgust, "Is this cat crazy?! He can play with a pillow so hard."

He sighed pitifully. The pet given by the system should be remade, otherwise it would be too harmful to the host.

He walked into the kitchen, ordered two bowls of noodles, ate them with the orange cat, and then opened the editor.

He planned a lot of things through the editor last night, and basically everything that should be in the early stages of the game was done.

As for the latter, because the current land reclamation scope of the Origin Star is too small, many unknown things have not yet been detected, so he has not planned it.

The editor provided by the system to Ji Xian has many functions. Apart from the fact that it does not have task rewards like the system, he even feels that it is more powerful than the system.

Of course, the editor also has it, such as its "Aura Embodiment" function. Although it can make the embodied items have substantial effects, the corresponding template must be entered before that.

Just like the mission rewards he distributed to players during the game's internal testing, they were all created after he went online to find real-life templates of those equipment and entered them.

To put it simply, the editor's "Aura Manifestation" function must have a corresponding reference object before it can be used.

As long as you have a reference object, whether it's a pulse laser missile or a spaceship, Ji Xian can get it for you, provided it has enough shock value.

And he also made a surprising discovery. In the space that comes with the editor, Ji Xian can simulate and manipulate objects, and as long as he is here, he is invincible.

Being able to directly use the editor to forcefully suppress the enemy is a very plug-in, is there any?

"It seems that I may have misunderstood. My time travel cheat may not be the system, but the editor.

The system is useless, except for hanging a knife above my head and forcing me to perform tasks. "Ji Xian couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"Ding~ Host, please don't slander the system at will. To tell you the truth, all the functions of that editor are given by the system. Without the system, it is just an ordinary glass screen."

The system suddenly said this sentence.

Ji Xian was confused for a moment. Are the functions of the editor given by the system? !

So, what I have been borrowing is the power of the system? Let me go, did you make a mistake?

Ji Xian was confused and it took him a while to wake up, his expression extremely complicated.

He silently opened the editor and started testing the game.

At 12 noon, Ji Xian received a call from Zhang Yongzhi. After changing into casual clothes, he took Orange Cat to the "Mountain and Seafood" hotel in Binhai City.

This hotel is the most luxurious in Binhai City, and a meal here will cost at least tens of thousands of RMB.

Not long after, Ji Xian took a taxi to his destination and walked into the restaurant. What he saw was a magnificent hall. Various intelligent robots were walking around the store carrying food in an orderly manner.

There were beautiful murals hanging on the walls of the restaurant, and the atmosphere of blending technology and retro came to his face, and Ji Xian was stunned for a moment.

He had eaten in many top hotels across the country before traveling, but compared to the one in front of him, it was completely inferior.

"Sir, welcome to our store. Is there anything I can help you with?"

A sweet female voice came into my ears, and I saw a tall, beautiful woman walking over.

Ji Xian heard the sound and looked over, it was the hotel waiter.

When the waitress saw Ji Xian looking over, an electric current flowed through her body. She opened her little mouth slightly and froze in place.

So handsome!

How could there be such a handsome person in this world?

"Hey, hello, where is the private room No. 1?" Ji Xian walked up to the waitress with the orange cat and waved his hand in front of her dazed eyes.

The waitress came back to her senses, a blush appeared on her face, and she stammered: "...over there, I will take you there."

Ji Xian shook his head speechlessly. Needless to say, this woman must have been amazed by her appearance.

Later, under the guidance of the waitress, Ji Xian came to the private room No. 1 booked by Zhang Yongzhi.

The waitress stared at his immortal-like face for a few more seconds, her heart racing, and nosebleeds actually flowed from her nose.

"Well, you have a nosebleed, why don't you go deal with it?" Ji Xian couldn't help but remind him.

After saying that, he hurried into the private room. He was afraid that the waitress would faint if he stayed for a while.

The waitress woke up from her fantasy, touched her nose, and was shocked. She really had a nosebleed!

What a shame.

Then, she covered her nose and hurried away, her face red like the sun in July.

In the private room, a middle-aged man sat on a chair in front of the wine table. He had a square face, a big back hair, and wore a black suit.

When Zhang Yongzhi saw Ji Xian coming in, a trace of surprise and amazement flashed in his eyes. He stood up from his seat and walked to Ji Xian, took the initiative to extend a hand and said: "Hello, first meeting, my name is Zhang Yongzhi."

Ji Xian did not play big cards, stretched out his hand and shook hands with him, and then the two sat down.

"I didn't expect that Boss Ji Xian is so young and looks so handsome, which surprised me." Zhang Yongzhi said politely.

Ji Xian's old face turned red, and he was a little embarrassed. He waved his hand and said: "I don't dare to be the boss. If you don't mind, Brother Zhang, just call me Xiaoyou."

"Well, since you said so, I'll call you Ji Xiaoyou! Come on, order the dishes first." Zhang Yongzhi laughed and said.

Picking up the menu, Ji Xian was also secretly shocked. This dish is too damn expensive! A dish of fried eggs with tomatoes costs 888 yuan, so scary.

As expected, poverty limits my imagination.

He ordered a few dishes at random. They were not very expensive. It was estimated that the total cost was only about 10,000 or 20,000 yuan.

Zhang Yongzhi watched calmly from the side. This amount of money was not worth mentioning to him.

The "Tanwan Game" platform is a second-tier game platform in China. As the boss of this platform, he is worth tens of billions of yuan.

Soon the dishes were served. Zhang Yongzhi picked up some dishes for Ji Xian and said with a smile: "My friend, I want to ask which well-known domestic R\u0026D team produced "Xingchen"."

Ji Xian was chewing on the ribs with a look of enjoyment on his face. He paused when he heard the words, and looked stunned. He didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

Who is the game production team? He made this game from beginning to end by himself. Do you believe it?

Seeing Ji Xian's silence, Zhang Yongzhi smiled awkwardly and said, "I am abrupt. Since you are embarrassed to say it, I will not force it."

Ji Xian nodded gently, put a few pieces of fish into the bowl of the orange cat next to him, and continued to gnaw on the ribs in his own bowl.

After eating for a while, Zhang Yongzhi finally talked about today's business.

"Ji Xiaoyou, do you have any idea of ​​renting the game agency rights?"

Ji Xian narrowed his eyes, and he naturally understood what Zhang Yongzhi meant by the agency rights.

During the game operation process, the game developer chooses the game operator to operate the promotion and maintenance of the game, which is the game agency.

For example, it is like Penguin helping Riot to operate LOL in China.

Ji Xian muttered in his heart, Zhang Yongzhi, you are so good, so this is your real purpose!

But it's a pity that even if I give you the game agency rights, you can't operate it unless you have a system and the same functions as mine.

"Sorry, Brother Zhang, due to some technical reasons, "Xingchen" has no intention of looking for an operator at the moment."

"My friend, I hope you can think about it again. Money is not a problem! I will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

Ji Xian smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Zhang, this is really not about money. "Xingchen" is different from other games. You should have seen some related game videos. The authenticity alone requires special staff and technology to maintain.

So even if I give you the agency rights, you can't operate it. You don't have the technology."

Ji Xian made it very clear this time, that is, he would not do it.

Zhang Yongzhi's eyes dimmed slightly, his heart was melancholy, and he failed.

"Brother Zhang, although I can't give you the agency rights, I can give you the game distribution platform.

"Xingchen" will start public testing at 8 o'clock tonight. I wonder what you think."

Zhang Yongzhi's heart moved, and the extinguished light in his eyes rekindled. He hurriedly said: "Are you serious?"

Ji Xian nodded sincerely and said: "I never lie to people. What's more, Brother Zhang invited me to this meal today. If I don't show any appreciation, wouldn't it be too heartless?"

Zhang Yongzhi was moved. He didn't expect that this young man in front of him would have such affection. It's rare.

The development potential of "Xingchen" is unquestionable. This game has attracted widespread attention in the industry before it is publicly tested. It is conceivable how popular it will be after the public test.

Ji Xian chose to put "Xingchen" on his game platform, which also shows the other party's trust in him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yongzhi said seriously: "Thank you for your trust in our platform. I will remit you 100 million yuan when I go back. No, 300 million yuan. What do you think?"

Ji Xian was choked by the number. He picked up the tea on the table and drank it all. Then he recovered.

"Okay." He said calmly, but he had already fallen into madness in his heart.

Not 30 yuan, not 300 yuan, but 300 million yuan! He had never seen so much money since he came to this world. This feeling of going from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain in an instant was too exciting.

Then, the two discussed some related matters and parted ways.

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