Alipay has arrived, 200,000 yuan!

"Jump, or not?"

The faint tone revealed a domineering calmness.

After two seconds of silence, the foreman didn't say a word, picked up his mobile phone, then picked up the wine glass, poured himself a glass of wine, saluted Xu Meng, drank it in one gulp, then put down the glass, and jumped on the center of the dance floor!


Meng looked at the stage, and he was the foreman who took off his suit and twisted his body, and he was still here just now, and 400,000 yuan was down, it was really fragrant!

Xu Meng raised his glass and shouted loudly, and the DJ also adjusted the tempo with the dance tone up, and the atmosphere of the audience reached its peak

! Money cannot solve all problems, but it can do whatever you want.

Fang Fang looked at the foreman who was still tough just now, and under Xu Meng's huge sum of 400,000 yuan, he obediently went on stage to perform pole dance.


regretted a little, she knew that I had gone up and jumped, 400,000, and I had to go to the Chinese New Year's Eve class, 400,000, which was enough to buy a house in my hometown.

Looking at Xu Meng, who was so generous, Fangfang felt that he had to serve well, maybe he was happy, and he also wanted to see himself dance, and give a reward of hundreds of thousands?

Xu Meng looked at the foreman who was dancing on the stage, and was very happy, because he successfully heard the prompt sound of the system, and pretended to be forced to slap his face successfully, haha.

"Well, this dance is dancing, it's a technical job!Reward

!" Xu Meng said, looking around, alas, I didn't bring cash, it seems that in the future, when it comes to the night show, I have to bring some cash on my body, otherwise on such an occasion, I have to throw money directly, that is called excitement

! Forget it

, just enjoy the bar! Xu Meng called the bartender, took two bottles of Lafite from the table, and then said to the bartender: "Go, just say that I rewarded it! The dance is good, the master is very happy!".

The bartender stepped back and went to deliver wine to the foreman.

The DJ saw the bartender come over to enjoy the wine, and immediately DJed into the microphone and said, "Wow, our maître d'art is outstanding, there are already guests rewarding him with wine, screaming!" "Oooh oh oh ......!!!

" "Get high!"

The whole dance floor was filled with cheers.

There is a box upstairs, you can see the dance floor, separated by a piece of transparent glass, the young Wang Yu didn't see Fangfang dancing on stage for a long time, but the foreman went up to dance, and he was not calm anymore.

Wang Yu remembered that the foreman told him that Fangfang was accompanying the guests, and Wang Yu said that he didn't care, if you couldn't call Fangfang to dance on the dance floor, you would go up by yourself.

Now it seems that Fangfang has been detained.

Damn! Who is so bold and dares to lose face in Yanjing!

Wang Yu called the dogs, he wanted to see who could make the foreman not stop and run up and dance by himself.

The foreman is dancing passionately on the stage, there is no way, the big guy has a reward, he must dance; as for Wang Yu, didn't he say that he would dance on stage by himself if he couldn't call Fangfang, and he was also satisfied with Wang Dashao.

Wang Yu's several doglegs squeezed through the crowd, Wang Yu walked to the stage, dragged down the foreman who was dancing wildly

and asked: "Yang Kai, don't you want to mix, I asked you to call Fangfang to dance, what about the people?" Yang Kai was very embarrassed: "Da Shao, don't blame me, the big guy over there won't let go, and a group of them, I'm not easy to mess with

!" Wang Yu let go of Yang Kai and looked in the direction Yang Biao pointed, Yang Kai said: "Da Shao, didn't you say 200,000 to ask Fangfang to dance!" That uncle directly offered 400,000

yuan, saying that he told you to jump, where is this okay, I made a discount, and I went up and jumped myself!" Wang

Yu was a little surprised, and asked me to go up with 400,000 yuan, which made it clear that he was more arrogant than me and looked down on me.

"Let's go, follow me!" Saying

that, Yang Kai was grabbed by Wang Yu, walked in front of Xu Meng, and when he got closer, he saw all the suits.

The wine on the table, Wang Yu's eyes swept away, and he roughly knew what the price of this table was.

It's unbelievable, these boxes of wine together are more than 3 million yuan, such a level of consumption means that these people are not ordinary people.

But he is here, he can't lose his aura, anyway, he is also the second young man of Yanjing Wang, and his cousin Wang Da Hammer is the big young man

! Wang Yu stood there and shouted: "Fang Fang! Come here."

Fangfang saw that Wang Yu was coming, she knew that Wang Yu was Wang Dazhui's cousin, Wang Dazhui was the top rich second generation in Yanjing, and his strength was very strong, so she couldn't refuse, so she stood up and prepared to go over.

Xu Meng was showing Fangfang palmistry, suddenly, Fangfang got up and stood up, Xu Meng looked puzzled, looked up, who is this person?

"What's the matter, Fangfang, where are you going?" Fangfang

was embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry Brother Xu, I'm going to miss the company." As

he spoke, he was about to leave, Wang Yu smiled, his influence was still very strong, and Fangfang was very obedient.

Xu Meng grabbed Fangfang again, and then pressed her down on the sofa, Xu Meng stood up, looked at Wang Yu and said: "Come first, come first, you know, I haven't finished drinking the wine here, you just want to take someone away!"

Seeing that there seemed to be a conflict on Xu Meng's side, Xu Hu, Ah Wei, Wang Lei and the brothers all stopped playing, and when they looked over, Xu Hu stood up directly.

At this moment, he took off his suit jacket, his shirt was open, and he had the posture of a big guy and a little brother, plus he drank wine, Xu Hu's voice was a little low.

"Brother Xu, is someone looking for fault?" When

Wang Yu heard this, sure enough, these people respected this surnamed Xu!

Although Wang Yu had three doglegs behind him, when it really started, there were fifteen people on their side, and they were not opponents at all.

Wang Yu also knew how to be polite, called the bartender, opened a bottle of his cousin's stored wine, and filled a small bottle with high-quality red wine, 480,000 yuan, took 100,000 cash, and then sent it to Xu Meng.

"In this way, I am not an unreasonable person, this bottle of Romante, worth 480,000 yuan, has no price, produced by Western European wineries, please taste it!"

"This is 100,000 yuan in cash, it should be regarded as a small gift, let me cut in line."

After speaking, Wang Yu said coldly: "

Fangfang!" Fangfang stood up when she heard the news, but was pressed down by Xu Meng again.

Xu Meng smiled: "Boy, you are not the first man to show off your wealth in front of me, nor the last!" As

he spoke, Xu Meng picked up the cigarette, picked up the bottle of Romante, and asked Xu Hu to take it, Xu Hu looked confused, not knowing what Xu Meng was going to do.

Xu Meng rolled up his sleeves again and again, and said, "Oh, young man, why do you always like to be slapped in the face

?" "Ah Hu!" Xu Hu looked up and wondered: "Well, what's wrong with Brother Xu?"

Xu Meng gestured with his eyes and said: "Pour, I want to sweat on my hands!" Xu


was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly woke up, hurriedly smiled and served, and poured wine into Xu Meng's hands, Xu Meng smoked and spit out smoke rings while washing.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, Yang Kai shook his head, and muttered: "Four hundred and eighty thousand wine, just wash your hands like this?"

Wang Lei suddenly felt that Xu Meng was really handsome, looking at these KTV princesses around him, and now looking at Xu Meng's expression was full of admiration, as if to say, why is the woman competing for not me, but Fangfang

!"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xu Meng for successfully pretending to be invisible, and rewarding 2 system gold coins!".

Xu Meng smiled, took a puff of smoke ring, and spit on the face of Wang Yu, who had a gloomy face, and Wang Yu was ready to burst out on the spot!

"I'm slot, boy, do you know who I am!"

Xu Hu Awei reacted very quickly, and rushed to Xu Meng at once, blocking Wang Yu's upsurge.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Looking for a fight!" The

brothers behind Xu Meng also stood up, Wang Yu's dog legs pulled Wang Yu to the back, Yang Kai, as the foreman, stood in the middle, and the two sides flattered: "Two masters, two masters, have something to say, have something to say, be angry and make money, and be angry and make money." "

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