Yang Kai swallowed and spitted, he had dealt with a lot of troubles in the dance hall, but it was the first time I had seen a disturbance of this level like today, Wang Yu needless to say, he was beaten, Wang Dazhui must have come over to ask for the guilt! This uncle here is not easy to mess with, the 200,000, 200,000 smashed out, without blinking his eyes.

Xu Meng picked up Xu Hu, stood there and said: "It's difficult for you to be strong first, and besides, let me tell you, in front of me, what kind of rich second generation are you pretending

!" Saying that, Xu Meng held a plate of 100,000 yuan, and then said to Yang Kai: "The money for the bottle of wine just now is counted on my head, and the 100,000 yuan is also counted on my head, and you KTV supplement it to him!" Yang Kai

smiled and responded.

Then, Xu Meng took a plate of 100,000 yuan and walked up to the DJ, a man and a woman, one person rewarded 50,000 yuan!

Then Xu Meng slowly stepped off the stage, and the DJ tuned a slow music that suddenly rose to a climax, and when he was in a slow tune, he took the microphone and shouted: "Everyone, tonight's consumption of the audience will be paid for by Xu Menggongzi

, scream!" Then, the tone of the music was instantly raised, and the audience was overturned.

Wang Yu looked at Xu Meng, and had the same idea as his cousin Wang Da Hammer, he is a rich second generation

, and he was shown off today! Xu Meng looked at the shocked crowd, and saw that the value of pretending to be forced to slap his face was rising, and sure enough, if he succeeded in pretending to be forced to slap his face in front of many people at one time, the system gold coin would be much higher! Hehe, in this way, the full development of his own system mall is just around the corner, and then he can learn the exercises and find Wang Da Hammer for revenge!

Xu Meng woke up at the site the next day.

When he woke up, he found himself sleeping on a desk inside the site, and when he woke up, he saw that there were still a lot of suits on the desk, and it seemed that his brothers were afraid that he would sleep hard and uncomfortable.

Xu Meng took out his mobile phone, it was past 11 o'clock, and when he opened it, he saw that the bank card consumption was more than 26.7 million, and the balance was more than 900 million.

It's boring, and it only cost more than 26 million last night.

Look at the system gold coins, haha, Meizizi, the system gold coins actually have 121 points!

Sure enough, pretending to be forced to slap the face is also considered a head, where there are many people, after the face slapping is successful, the system system has more gold coins.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xu Meng, who pretended to break through 100 points, and the system reward was exchanged for 18% of the shares of Luoxing Catering Group, with a current market value of 1.84 billion Huaxia coins. There

is an exchange point again, Xu Meng still squinted, and subconsciously chose to exchange it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for the successful redemption and consumption of 100 system coins. "

Congratulations to the player Xu Meng for becoming the second largest individual shareholder of Luoxing Catering!"

Xu Meng woke up, and what was going on would drop Lao Tzu's

100 points of system gold coins! Xu Meng sat up all of a sudden, and took a closer look at the system, it turned out to be Luoxing Catering Group, which involves hotels, bars, fast food and other catering businesses, and is the leading stock of domestic catering!

Forget it, 100 points for 1.84 billion is also worth it.

Xu Meng loosened the button of his shirt, his throat was so dry, it seemed that he drank a lot of wine last night, Xu Meng climbed down from the desk, opened the door, and went out to find water to drink.

As soon as I went out, I, what the situation.

Xu Meng saw that Xu Hu, Ah Wei, and five six brothers were all wearing takeaway clothes and sleeping on chairs.

This is?, went out to deliver the breakfast class, and then came back to sleep.

"Wake up?" Wang

Lei walked over, took a glass of water in his hand and handed it to Xu Meng, he knew how much wine Xu Meng drank yesterday, and he finally brought it back.

Xu Meng thanked him, and then took it and drank it all, he was really thirsty, after drinking, he handed it to Wang Lei and said: "What's the situation, why did you sleep?" Wang Lei smiled: "Don't

you remember how much wine you drank last night?"

"Last night?

Xu Meng thought back, he remembered that after the whole audience bought the order, Wang Yu took people away, said let him wait, and then, he took his brothers to drink together.

Drinking and drinking, a group of people still holding wine bottles, ran to the middle of the dance floor to dance, by the way, that Fangfang.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Xu Meng's mouth, that Fangfang's figure was really good, on the dance floor, Xu Meng hugged her and danced several hot dances.

"You don't know, you're hi, and these few, the dance floor is crazy, fortunately Zhang Wei and a few of them can't drink, they can only drink juice, otherwise, we won't be able to come back yesterday!"

Wang Lei went to the water dispenser and poured a glass of water, and then handed it to Xu Meng, Xu Meng smiled, he hadn't been so crazy for a long time.

Last time I graduated from college, and at the last dinner in the dormitory, Xu Meng drank a fragment once.

"Hmm...... Drink, drink......

Xu Meng, who was drinking water, looked at Xu Hu who made a sound suspiciously, he was talking in his sleep, and there was saliva on the corner of his mouth.

Xu Meng and Wang Lei looked at each other and smiled, they were asleep, and they were still immersed in yesterday's joy.

"Hello, may I ask

, is Xu Meng here?" Xu Meng looked at the door, a little surprised, isn't this the aunt he saved that day

? Xu Meng put down the water glass, walked forward and said, "Auntie

, you are well!" The aunt smiled: "Hmm, oh, are you Xu Meng? Yes, thanks to you, the aunt is out of danger!"

Li Yanxia glanced at Xu Meng carefully, didn't she mean the takeaway brother? This outfit, and look at this material, it's not cheap, not to mention tens of thousands of suits. Xu Meng smiled: "That's right, I'm Xu Meng."

Wang Lei stepped forward and saw Li Yanxia, his heart throbbed a little, this middle-aged young woman who was as ripe as a peach was very attractive to an uncle like Wang Lei.

"Xu Meng, who is this?"

Without waiting for Xu Meng to speak, Li Yanxia smiled: "Oh, that's the case, I had a heart attack that day, it happened to be the takeaway that Xu Meng's brother sent me, I called for help on the phone, it was he who broke the door in time to save me and sent me to the hospital, I came to visit this time, thank Xu Meng." As she

spoke, Li Yanxia took out a thick envelope from her handbag and handed it to Xu Meng.

"I wanted to buy some gifts, but I don't know what you're missing, it's a little heart, you take it. Also, my daughter didn't know about the situation that day, so don't take it personally. As

he spoke, he stuffed it into Xu Meng's hand, Xu Meng touched it, opened it and took a look, Yao! This thickness is at least 30,000 yuan, this aunt is full of sincerity, but now she is not short of money.

"Auntie, I can't ask for this, saving someone's life is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter, I'm doing good, your gift is too heavy, I accept it, it hurts my heart." And your daughter also doesn't understand the situation and cares about your safety, I can understand it.

Wang Lei nodded, Xu Meng was helpful He knew, but he didn't expect that he stopped for a day that day, and he actually saved people.

But now it seems that Xu Meng doesn't need it.

Looking at the 30,000 yuan, Wang Lei thought to himself, Xu Mengguang washed off 480,000 yuan last night, what is this 30,000 yuan.

Li Yanxia nodded, she also felt a little abrupt, but she admired Xu Meng very much, not to mention that he was handsome, he had a good heart, he was happy to help others, and he didn't ask for anything in return. Li Yanxia looked at Xu Meng in a suit, she didn't think he was a delivery boy at all, but looked like a business elite, the more she looked at it, the more pleasing it became, and her heart moved slightly.

"I'm embarrassed that I was abrupt. Hey, Mr. Xu Meng, take the liberty of asking, I don't know if you have a girlfriend?"

Xu Meng was a little surprised: "No." "

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