Finally, the obscene development has reached level 4, it's time for him to amplify his moves

! Dog thief!

Hit Lao Tzu, right!

In the evening, Xu Meng took the initiative to contact Liu Weiwei with the number that Grandpa Lu was also a decent person before his death.

Xu Meng told Liu Weiwei that tonight's live broadcast, no matter who challenges PK, don't be afraid, he will support him.

Liu Weiwei was a little confused.

Dong Xue put on the mask, looked at Liu Weiwei who was in a daze, and said, "What's the matter, Weiwei?"

"Just now, Grandpa Lu contacted me and said: Tonight, no matter who comes to challenge you, don't be afraid, with his support!"

Dong Xue was surprised: "It's really fake, hurry up, let me see the chat history."

Looking at the chat records between Liu Weiwei and Grandpa Lu, Dong Xue thought: "The big guy must have received some rumors, so this time I will give you a preventive injection in advance!" "Why do you want to give me a preventive shot?" Dong Xue

said: "I guess I'm afraid that you will back down, think about it, last night Grandpa Lu brushed 8 of them, and those bigwigs on the other side will definitely come to trouble you tonight, so Grandpa Lu is afraid that you will not have confidence, so he will notify you in advance."

Liu Weiwei said oh oh twice, then looked at Dong Xue and said: "You say, who is this Grandpa Lu, why

is he so rich, and also, he brushed me with a gift like this, what is the picture?" Although Liu Weiwei was very happy to get rich, after all, this was earned by the live broadcast, not from work, she felt very dreamy, especially a stranger, so arrogant to brush himself with a gift, what did he want?

Dong Xue smiled: " What's this, it's like this on the Internet, the local tyrant is lonely, so he gives the anchor a gift, what they want is this feeling of being envied.

Liu Weiwei said in disbelief: "Is the happiness of rich people so boring?"

Dong Xue said with a smile: "It may also be that I have taken a fancy to you."

Liu Weiwei pushed Dong Xue and said: "you, I'm not very good-looking, besides, more than 10 million, I can't soak any girl, and I won't look for me like this."

Dong Xue: "Oh, don't think about it so much, apply the mask first, and it will be broadcast live later, so you have to take good care of your skin first." "

At night, a private luxury villa in the east city of Yandu.

Ye Liangchen and Zhao Ritian stood and waited under the villa, and among the four young people in Yanjing, these two were the most angry.

Ye Liangchen: "This time, I want to thank Brother Zhao for coming over to cheer!" Zhao

Yuetian waved his hand and said: "Hey, you and my brother, you are polite to me and your mother." Ye

Liangchen was a little embarrassed, Zhao Ritian is Zhao Shao in Xicheng, everything is good, it is Zu'an culture, and he has never been able to get rid of it.

He remembered Zhao Ritian's most classic sentence was: "Zu'an Grand Stage, if you have a mother, you will come." "

Chatting with Zhao Ritian is really scary.

After a while, a Lamborghini sports car drove over, and the doors of the sports car were lifted, and it was Wang Sledgehammer coming.

Ye Liangchen hurriedly stepped forward

: "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you Wang Shao!" Wang Dazhui laughed and said: "Oh, it must be a must!" Seeing

Zhao Ritian, Wang Dazhui smiled: "I am grass, Zhao Shao is also stepping on

a horse!" Zhao Yuetian scolded: "Less on a horse to learn from me to speak!"

The three of them laughed, and as they were talking, a Rolls-Royce drove in.

It was Yuwen Wang Teng who came.

Rolls-Royce drove in, the driver respectfully got out of the car and opened the door, Yuwen Wang Teng, who was dressed in a black suit, walked out, and Wang Dazhui frowned.

In the past, he was the boss of the four-person team, and he organized all activities.

However, since Yuwen Wang Teng was admitted to the No. 1 science and engineering university in country M, coupled with Yuwen Wang Teng's father, Yuwen Tuoba's business has continued to become stronger, surpassing the wealth of the remaining three fathers, Yuwen Wang Teng has become someone else's child in the mouth of the upper-class fathers.

Since then, Yuwen Wang Teng has become the eldest of the four young people in Yanjing, because everyone has grown up, either starting their own business or starting a succession in the company under their father.

Yuwen Wang Teng started his own business and opened an entertainment brokerage company, and Ye Liangchen and others also participated in the shares.

Later, Yuwen Wang Teng was pulled back by his father Yuwen Tuoba to be trained as a successor, and the company was lost to Ye Liangchen, Wang Dazhui and Zhao Ritian, who knew all day long that they were not good at managing the company's affairs.

Like the bean sprouts that were defeated by Xu Meng, they were from Ye Liangchen's banner.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for many days, Brother Wang Teng is a little handsome again!"

"Haha, the good day has passed."

Wang Dazhui looked at the two people and complained in a low voice: "Zhen Nima can pretend."

Zhao Yuetian shouted: "Hey, don't stand here and talk, Lao Ye, can you please let us go up, my grandfather's legs are sore."

Yuwen Wang Teng walked over and nodded at Zhao Ritian and said: "Ritian, you, you, your name is good, after so many years, Zu An's tone has not changed." "I'm calling it not forgetting the book, you know a few, haha.

Yuwen Wang Teng shook his head with a wry smile, saw Wang Da Hammer, and patted him on the shoulder: "Big Hammer, long time no see."

Wang Dazhui also smiled, jealousy is jealousy, and my brother still has to continue to do it.

The group went upstairs, and there were young model sisters waiting upstairs.

This is also the reason why Yuwen Wang Teng still likes to play with Wang Da Hammer and them, in essence, he also likes this kind of drunken entertainment.

Taking off his suit and hugging a young girl, Yuwen Wang Teng asked, "What is the origin of this Grandpa Lu, it is worth Ye Shao to call us all."

Ye Liangchen said: "I don't know yet, but being able to brush out nearly 20 million gifts shows that the cash flow in hand is very sufficient, and there are still funds in hand." But that's not why I'm calling you here.

Yuwen Wang Teng squinted his eyes and said, "What do you say?" "

That, brother, you talk first, and I'll go and solve the matter." With that

, Zhao Ritian hugged the tender model and went up to the third floor.

As soon as he entered the room, Zhao Ritian immediately closed the door, excited.

"Oh my mom, you little goblin, you've lost your dad and me!" Ye

Liangchen and the others were not surprised, I don't know how many times this situation has happened.

Ye Liangchen continued: "Since several of our joint venture entertainment companies went public, it has been tepid, and we have no chance to cash out and leave, I think this is an opportunity!"

Wang Dazhui heard about the company, and also put the young girl aside, looked at Ye Liangchen and said, "Go on."

"We can just borrow the hand of this Grandpa Lu to frantically challenge Liu Weiwei, who he guards, to cause a wave of Internet hotspots and increase the number of fans of our anchors, so that the entertainment company behind us also has potential value, and when the time comes, we will sell the company's stock and the anchor together, and the brothers will make a lot of money!"

Yuwen Wang Teng clapped his hands and said: "Wonderful!".

Wang Dazhui also said: "Yes, yes, the company's stock has been trapped for a long time, the billion I invested has not come out, my father has always said that I, let me go back to take over the family business, if I can earn it this time, I will have the money to do other things."

Yuwen Wang Teng drank a glass of wine, this entertainment company was also proposed by him, and it was listed, but the stock price has been sluggish since the opening, and there is no chance of cashing out at all.

"Okay! just do what Liangchen says!" Ye Liangchen

said with a smile: "I have already arranged our anchors, and I will take turns to challenge that Liu Weiwei tonight, and I will also contact the writers of major media;

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