"Then, let's engage other anchors in the same way, hehe, when the time comes, only our anchors will win!" Yuwen

Wang Teng clapped his hands and said: "I haven't seen you for many days, Brother Liangchen is different, it is really a wise choice to let you be our company's strategic executive." Ye Liangchen smiled, looked at his watch, and said with a smile: "Start immediately, after Liu Weiwei's live broadcast for thirty minutes, we will attack." At

six o'clock in the evening, Liu Weiwei broadcast live normally.

At half past six, Zhao Ritian was finished, Yanjing Sishao was sitting on the sofa in the living room, and on the TV screen, Liu Weiwei's live broadcast was playing.

"This girl can look good!" Zhao

Yuetian touched his chin and looked at the TV screen playfully.

Ye Liangchen said with a smile: "When this time is over, I will find a way to contact and sign a contract with us, and when the time comes, you will have a good understanding." "Good, good. Zhao Ritian said with a smile.

Liu Weiwei interacts with fans in the live broadcast room according to the normal situation, generally speaking, she asks fans to order songs, and then she sings.

Today she sang Xu Song's "Why not

", "The sky seems to be raining, I really want to live next door to you",

"Silly stand downstairs at your house, raise your head, count the dark clouds"

Liu Weiwei has a very good voice, singing crisp and pleasant, Xu Meng listens to it, and feels very felt.

He used the link under the computer to see, but he didn't use a mobile phone, because if he used a mobile phone, as soon as he entered the anchor room, the special effects of the LV35 account would come out, and everyone knew that Grandpa Lu was here.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

That mysterious Ye Shao hasn't appeared yet, so he can't run to the light first.

Yuwen Wang Teng was also looking for Xu Meng and asked, "Liangchen, what about the person you are talking about, Grandpa Lu?"

Ye Liangchen took the phone over and said: "He is this account, and it is still dark, it seems that it has not been launched yet."

Yuwen Wang Teng shook the wine glass in his hand and said, "Then force him to go online." "

At 6:40, the well-known anchor of Douyin invited Liu Weiwei to PK.

Xu Meng was lazily lying on the gaming chair, and when he saw someone PK Liu Weiwei, he immediately sat up straight.

Liu Weiwei looked at the PK application, and his heart was a little hanging, this time it is not the level of bean sprouts, this time it is sixteen, and there are 27 million big Internet celebrities on the whole network. The fans in Liu Weiwei's live broadcast room also exploded, calling him a.

"My God

, it's sixteen!" "Nima, I feel that Weiwei's PK person is more powerful than the other, sixteen, a big Internet celebrity

!" "Is it a top Internet celebrity with a fighting sound, there are 27 million fans on the whole network!" "

What are you afraid of, Weiwei has 15 million fans now, don't be afraid of Weiwei, pick it up, we'll top you!"

"It's over Weiwei! Pick him up!"

"Ding Dong!

." Liu Weiwei, who was weak-hearted, looked down at his mobile phone, which was a WeChat message from Grandpa Lu.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, pick up.

Liu Weiwei was relieved, and Dong Xue also cheered on the side: "Pick it up, Weiwei, Grandpa Lu has sent a message, let's not be cowardly."

Liu Weiwei nodded and accepted the PK invitation of Sixteen.

"Hello, Vivi. Hello, fans of VV Live Room.

As soon as Sixteen came up, he greeted him warmly, and obviously occupied the initiative to speak.

On the other hand, Liu Weiwei reacted a little untimely, after all, he is a newcomer, and he is not as familiar with the rules of PK as Sixteen.

"Hello, Sixteen.

Liu Weiwei also greeted with a smile.

"Let me introduce myself to the fans in the Weiwei live broadcast room first, my name is Sixteen, you can call me Xiaoliuzi, I don't talk much, I'm going to start PK Weiwei you!" said, without giving Liu Weiwei time to react, Sixteen danced the hot dance of the Korean dance troupe.

This is not the key, the key is that Sixteen is wearing a very revealing dress today, what should be exposed is in place, and what should not be exposed is exposed.

With the dynamic DJ dancing, Liu Weiwei was directly stunned.

This led to a disagreement among fans in Liu Weiwei's live broadcast room.

"Don't say it, Sixteen is in such a good figure, and he dances so well.

"I'm going, I'm drooling. "

I'll go, which side of you are, support sixteen and roll to the other side!"

"That's it, what a glamorous slut, dressed like this, look at how good my family is Weiwei."

"I'm just talking, yes, it's closed.

"It's slippery, it's terrible!" Liu

Weiwei looked at the fans in the live broadcast room who were divided into two lineups, and they all sprayed each other, and hurriedly comforted: "Don't make any noise, everyone is watching the live broadcast, harmonious, harmonious." "

The fans who helped Liu Weiwei spray are unbalanced.

"Vivi, I've sprayed it for you, and you're still saying that!"

"That's it, what kind of neutrality is there at this time, and we're leaving." Liu

Weiwei wanted to cry without tears.

Yuwen Wang Teng looked at Liu Weiwei, who was in a mess on the screen, and asked, "Brother Liangchen, your handwriting?"

Ye Liangchen laughed and said: "That's natural, hiring a sailor to lead the rhythm, this is an unwritten rule." Xu

Meng saw it at a glance, this is someone leading the rhythm, at this time, over there, there are already local tyrants who have begun to brush gifts, and they are using Xu Meng's technique, sixteen consecutive brushes!

"Sixteen come on!" "Come on, come on

sixteen!" "

What Weiwei, in the eyes of my goddess Sixteen, it is all garbage."

Xu Meng sighed, the other side was well prepared, and he couldn't wait, Xu Meng turned on his phone and prepared to go online.

Dong Xue watched Liu Weiwei in a predicament, gritted her teeth, ran into the room, walked out in a costume, pulled Liu Weiwei away, and stood in the live broadcast room.

Liu Weiwei looked at Dong Xue in a maid outfit, and everyone was stupid.

Dong Xue blushed and said: "Look, hurry up

and play a song of the Pure Land of Bliss!" Liu Weiwei oh oh two sounds, hurriedly click on the dubbing software, and play a song of the Pure Land of Bliss.

When the music sounded and Dong Xue began to dance, Liu Weiwei covered his mouth in amazement, when did Dong Xue be so sassy.

The classic climax, boom, Dong Xue in the maid costume danced beautifully, especially Dong Xue, who had just finished taking a shower and was wearing a maid outfit without underwear, jumped up, and it was as if she was going to jump out.

"I'll go, is this Vivi?"

"No, it looks like it's her best friend

!" "Oh my God, I'm not good, bro, this is too fierce!" "

Wow, it looks like it's going to say hello to people." "

Guys, I'm out of company, I'm going to the toilet. [

Thank you Grandpa Lu for being a decent person before his death, and giving it to Weiweiya World Carnival x 16] [Thank you Grandpa Lu for being a decent person during his lifetime, and giving Weiweiya World Carnival x 16] [Thank you Grandpa Lu

for being a decent person before his death, giving Weiweiya World Carnival x 16]

As soon as Xu Meng came in, he saw a sexy maid dancing the Pure Land of Bliss, he was taken aback, and looked at it, I'll go, it's Dong Xue!

Without further ado, let's brush up the gifts first.

"I'll go, when will Grandpa Lu come over.

"I don't know, I didn't even see his picture come in. "

My eyes were on the two jumping balls the whole time

!" "Spin, jump, it's jumping in front of my eyes!" Dong

Xue and Xu Meng's methods instantly broke the game, disintegrated the offensive on the opposite side, and successfully reversed, Liu Weiwei's live broadcast instantly turned into a scene of excitement.

Yuwen Wang Teng looked at the reversed situation and sighed: "There are some means on the other side, if it is an ordinary anchor, there will be no more just now!"

Ye Liangchen said solemnly: "Indeed, I didn't expect that this Liu Weiwei is really not good." "

Dong Xue's appearance was indeed unexpected by Ye Liangchen.

Who would have thought that a Liu Weiwei would actually have a girlfriend who can wear a maid costume and dance to the Pure Land of Bliss!

Zhao Yuetian looked at Dong Xue and was about to drool.

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