To be honest, from Gu Zhe's professional perspective, the results produced by these girls are actually at the level of interns.

Most of the content must be optimized before it can be put into use.

But even so, it can save Gu Zhe a lot of things.

This is why many designers always complain about their assistants, but if there were really no assistants around, designers would have been overwhelmed by the complicated and tedious work.

"It's not in vain that I gave them so much encouragement in the afternoon. It can be seen that they really listened to it."

Gu Zhe opened the folders of several people with satisfaction, and there were many surprises in them.

Especially Shu Ya's, which also incorporated some very common and popular content in the future, such as one-click poster generation and one-click filter template generation.

Perhaps, in a few years, these functions will become built-in functions of many smartphone programs.

But now it's 2014.

Nokia is still making its last struggle and gasp.

If there is a picture editing software with such a function now, it will undoubtedly be a dimensionality reduction attack.

Young girls and literary youths of all ages have no resistance to this kind of thing.

It's hard for these little girls to have such an idea.

It seems that Gu Zhe's ideas have begun to change a little bit because of their enthusiasm.

With their enthusiasm, maybe this picture editing software can really create its own market.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Zhe also began to quickly type codes on the screen.

What he wants to do is something else.

One-click cutout system.

This function was officially launched on major software platforms only after machine learning and iterative algorithms became more mature.

In this era, if you want to do cutout, even if it is just the simplest and most basic pure color cutout, you must find a professional graphic designer.

Of course, Gu Zhe himself has no background in graphic design, so all he can do is the simplest cutout.

For example, the cutout of a pure color background or a green screen, cutting out text from a picture, although the function is simple, it is very practical.

Just do it!

Gu Zhe combined his previous life experience with some cutting-edge code references that he could find, and immediately began to try to reproduce the automatic cutout function.

Many men, especially mature men after work, have a characteristic that is hard to say whether it is a disadvantage or an advantage.

That is, once immersed in work, it is easy to ignore other things.

Many people think, how can you not see messages when you are working?

Can't you feel that the screen of the mobile phone is lit next to you?

It can only be said that some people's understanding of work is really too superficial.

In their impression, work is to fish and paddle, and you can get things done.

But in fact, for many people who are engaged in the industry they love or have achieved certain achievements, once they start working, it means absolute concentration and dedication.

For example, Gu Zhe now.

In the jumping of lines of code, more than two hours have passed unknowingly.

When Gu Zhe picked up the phone again, it was already past nine forty in the evening.

Gu Zhe looked at the heavy rain outside the window and frowned slightly.

This rainfall has reached the level of disaster warning.

In his mind, a figure running away in a hurry flashed by.

Gu Zhe picked up the phone next to him and opened QQ.

Lin Nuoer still didn't reply to his message.

Gu Zhe frowned.

It was already past nine o'clock. Even if it was to deal with something, the teacher in charge of the club should have been off work for a long time.

Can't he spare the time to reply to his message?

Gu Zhe refreshed QQ several times and confirmed that Lin Nuoer didn't reply to his message. Gu Zhe was a little worried.

[Nuoer, what's wrong? Why don't you reply to the message? Are you busy and forget it? ]

[Have you returned home now? ]

The two latest messages sent by Gu Zhe fell into the sea again.

Gu Zhe suspiciously dialed Lin Nuoer's mobile phone number.

[Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off...]

A busy tone sounded, and Gu Zhe frowned.

The phone is turned off?

Is it out of battery, or did something special happen?

Lin Nuoer is carefree. Although she is delicate in some emotions, she is careless in many aspects of life.

She forgot to charge her phone before going to bed, which caused her phone to run out of battery and turn off the next day. This is not the first time for her.Happened.

In the morning, Gu Zhe thought that this girl forgot to set the alarm or her phone ran out of battery, so she overslept before the alarm went off. It was nothing unusual.

However, Gu Zhe recalled that before leaving, Lin Nuoer specifically told him that she would send her part of the materials to Gu Zhe before nine o'clock.

But Lin Nuoer did not send it.

Although Lin Nuoer was a little careless sometimes, she was a very responsible person in her bones.

In the morning, because the alarm was accidentally canceled by Aunt Xu, Gu Zhe did not blame Lin Nuoer at all, but Lin Nuoer still felt guilty towards Gu Zhe and apologized to Gu Zhe several times.

According to her personality, it was impossible for her to make two consecutive missed appointments on the same day.

With Lin Nuoer's personality, she could not accept such a thing happening first.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhe did not hesitate any more, put on his coat as quickly as possible and prepared to go out.

Looking at the heavy rain outside, Gu Zhe seemed to suddenly think of something.

He glanced at the car keys on the coffee table.

He had just gone to the 4S store to pick up the car with a license plate on the weekend, and now it was parked in the underground garage.

The brewed coffee was still bubbling, and Gu Zhe had an idea in an instant.

Pick up the car keys and act quickly.

He didn't want to let Lin Nuoer wait too long.


At this moment, in the next room, which was only separated from Gu Zhe by a wall, Xu Yan was also as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

She spent the whole day in anxiety.

Having delayed Lin Nuoer's business, Xu Yan originally wanted to wait for the lady to come back in the evening and apologize to her in person.

Xu Yan even bought a small cake as an apology gift for Lin Nuoer.

But the rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and Lin Nuoer was still not coming back.

She sent Lin Nuoer several messages during the day, but she never responded.

But Xu Yan didn't dare to bother her young lady too much, fearing that she would delay her work.

In addition, before Lin Nuoer left in the morning, she told her that she would be back late tonight and didn't need to wait for her to eat. Although Xu Yan was worried, she didn't call her.

She was afraid that Lin Nuoer was in a meeting or doing some activities, and she would cause trouble for Lin Nuoer.

It was already past nine o'clock, and there was no sign of her young lady.

Xu Yan couldn't wait any longer.

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