So, where is Lin Nuoer now?

Gu Zhe guessed correctly, Lin Nuoer was indeed restrained by the power supply.

It was not easy for Xu Yan to charge her phone for dozens of minutes in the morning, and it lasted until the evening.

After Lin Nuoer saw Jiang Tao's message, her phone automatically shut down because it was out of power.

At that time, Lin Nuoer didn't think it was a big deal.

After all, there were so many people in the gymnasium, and there was electricity and network. At most, she could just borrow a charger there to charge it.

As a result, Lin Nuoer, who rushed to the club activity room, was stunned when she asked.

Among the dozen or so ministers and members present, none of them used the iOS system like her.

There were some who brought chargers, but they were not interoperable!

Lin Nuoer just wanted to go to the club next door to ask, and the teacher in charge of the Taekwondo Club arrived.

She had to put aside her personal affairs and report to the teacher what happened today.

It cannot be said that Zhou Xing's character of showing off and being in the limelight is completely useless.

In many activities before, he had been a little awkward to get close to the teacher in charge, which left a little impression on the teacher.

It happened that the teacher was in the office today, and Zhou Xing went to plead for mercy. He didn't want to be kicked out of the club, and the teacher softened his heart.

After all, this is a student he has an impression of, a member of the club, and there are mistakes to correct and adjust. It is a bit too heartless to just throw him out.

Originally, the teacher thought that he just came to say hello, and no matter what, the students would definitely give the teacher face.

As a result, Lin Nuoer was still a "stubborn" character and insisted on expelling Zhou Xing.

The teacher's face was suddenly lost.

Lin Nuoer was not just stubborn. In front of all the members, she explained to the teacher the reason why she expelled Zhou Xing.

"Taekwondo is a kind of martial arts."

"We practice Taekwondo to make ourselves stronger, to cultivate our character, and to have the courage and ability to take responsibility at critical moments."

"And Zhou Xing's approach is obviously completely contrary to our purpose."

"No matter what his purpose is for pulling that classmate to fight today, and no matter what the result is, this betrayal of purpose and philosophy is unacceptable to me and our club."

The teacher's eyes widened after listening to Lin Nuo'er's speech.

His main job is a physical education teacher, and he also works as the head of the club.

In terms of speech, he really can't say anything fancy.

Lin Nuo'er's words are well-founded, well-reasoned, and he really can't find anything to refute for a while.

"You mean, this bastard kid is dragging an amateur to fight? Haven't you fought yet?"

The physical education teacher glanced at Zhou Xing, who was ashamed beside him, and secretly said in his heart that if this was the case, it would be better to fire this kid directly.

How can he stay here with such a big face after getting to this point?

Although Lin Nuoer was very tough, the procedures should still be followed normally.

Under the auspices of the club teacher, several ministers, led by Jiang Tao, voted and decided Zhou Xing's stay or departure in a democratic way.

Many people say that university clubs are full of smoke and miasma.

Voting and voting like this are basically about forming cliques and pandering to others, and there is not much authenticity.

In fact, if people who have really experienced it should have a feeling that in places like the Student Union, most of the atmosphere is indeed difficult to describe as good.

However, in interest clubs based on interests and hobbies, this situation has been greatly improved.

Everyone came from different colleges and different systems, and they came together because of their common interests.

Everyone knew who was really good to them, who was popular, and who really took them out to play.

At this voting moment, Lin Nuoer, who was popular, naturally decided with an overwhelming advantage that Zhou Xing would be expelled from the club from now on.

With such public opinion, the teacher in charge couldn't say much.

Zhou Xing was a man, and before leaving, he bowed solemnly to everyone.

"I will reflect on myself. It is understandable that you don't give me a chance to correct my mistakes."

"I'm sorry for causing trouble to the club and bringing shame to Taekwondo!"

Afterwards, Zhou Xing bowed to Lin Nuoer alone.

"Senior sister, I wanted to find a chance to make up for my mistakes. Now it seems that I don't have this luck."

"I'm sorry for causing trouble to you,Senior sister!"

After saying that, Zhou Xing turned around and left without waiting for Lin Nuo'er's reply.

Looking at Zhou Xing's somewhat dejected back, the club teacher also waved his hand: "After you finish the files and documents, send them to my office and I'll stamp them. "

"I'll go and see this kid off."

As he said that, the club teacher chased after him, like a big brother, and put his arm around Zhou Xing's shoulders, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, are you heartbroken?"

Zhou Xing quickly wiped his wet eyes and pretended to be calm: "Oh, what are you talking about, teacher? I'm fine."

The club teacher is also an experienced person, patted Zhou Xing on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "So, the guy you insisted on dragging to the ring is not your rival in love, right? ”

“Teacher, you are talking nonsense. Why do you still talk about rivals in love…”

The club teacher suddenly lowered his voice, and there was no more frivolity in his words.

“Brother, I am not speaking as a teacher now, but as a person who has experienced it.”

“Since you can’t beat others in the field you are most confident in, it means that you can’t compete with them. They can just take better care of the girl.”

“If you are really a man, you should bless your senior sister, understand?”

This male teacher who has been doing physical education for a lifetime has a limited cultural level and can’t say anything nice.

But in his opinion, no boy would not want to be a man.

Zhou Xing was stunned for a moment and wiped his face with his sleeve.

“Teacher, I understand.”

“I won’t pester you anymore. In the future, I will silently bless my senior sister! "

The club teacher looked at Zhou Xing's sincere eyes and smiled.

He didn't know what to say now, so he could only pat Zhou Xing on the shoulder again.

"He's a real man."

This young man of this age is full of passion and can easily cause trouble.

Although sometimes they may do something annoying inadvertently, they are actually kind in their hearts.

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