You For Eternity

Chapter 1010: Xiaobai, just follow me (4)

Why can't I move forward after seeing her.

Why can't he control himself and want to kiss her without their identity restrictions.


Nianxin didn't understand at first, but slowly reacted, the expression in her eyes turned from rejoicing to unbelievable.

"Xiao Bai... do you mean... you like me too?"

Is there anything more that makes her happy? Xiaobai actually likes her? is this real?

Oh my god...

She has liked Xiaobai for so long, and the stern face made her think that she would never succeed in chasing after Xiaobai for a lifetime, and even liked her!

After thinking about it this way, the things he did to her in the bathroom were nothing.

It turned out that he pushed her away frantically because he discovered his feelings for her, he didn't want to admit it, right?

Bai Yujing did not face him to answer, but said to her: "I know that there is no road ahead, why should I go on? I have lived for decades, but I still don't understand a truth. Nianxin...what should I do with you? If you are reluctant to push you, how can I choose?"

"Let’s run away!" Nianxin said, clutching his hand, "Take Wei Young, the three of us go to a place where no one knows us, change our names, and we don’t want to tell anyone our identity. Let’s just live like this. Okay? No one will know that we are nephews and uncles."

She is very excited now, so excited that she can't think normally, there is only such a possibility that she can think of.

But for Bai Yujing, that was impossible.

"It was not as simple as you thought."

elopement? He smiled helplessly.

Impossible, no matter what level it is, this method will not work.

He privately thought that both of them were letting go, or that both of them would sink together, but either of these would make them irreversible.

"But I don't care!" Nianxin rushed into his arms, hugged his waist, pressed her face to his chest and said, "I'm so happy... so happy that Xiaobai actually likes me..."

Nianxin said, tears came out, and she choked up, " you know how happy I am now? I am so happy that you let me die immediately! I thought it was impossible, you So rigid, how can I break through the world, I don’t have any hope anymore, I just want to be your niece, it’s okay if you don’t love me, I just love you... Fortunately I didn’t give up, I finally waited for you Love this day of mine!"

Nianxin was very happy, but Bai Yujing, who was held by her, was in a complicated mood and didn't know how to tell.

He knew it was wrong, he shouldn't kiss her at all, let alone tell her this. But the brain and the body seem to be separated, one commanding this way, the other uncontrollably doing what they want to do.

His hands were beaten on both sides, a little weak.

His dignified Bai Yujing, the second master of the Bai family, would actually lose in the love between men and women, but it is still such an unethical prohibition|break|love.


In the morning, mild sunlight poured into the house.

Nianxin was awake, but she didn't dare to open her eyes. She was afraid that once she opened her eyes, she didn't see the person she wanted to see, but she had a good dream.

She narrowed her eyes slowly, first saw the man's chest, and then slowly moved up...

It's Xiaobai!

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