You For Eternity

Chapter 1011: Xiaobai, just follow me (5)

Nianxin smiled all of a sudden, with her mouth crooked, that is Xiaobai's right, so to speak, she was not dreaming last night! Great!

Xiao Bai is still sleeping.

So she didn't bother him, lying beside him obediently, enjoying the beauty of this morning.

Although they didn't do anything last night and just slept like this all night, she still felt very satisfied. She only needs to get Xiao Bai's heart, not necessarily his body.

Bai Yujing woke up and saw Nianxin, and he understood in his heart.

Contrary to Nianxin, he hoped it was a dream.

Nianxin didn't come to Niulang's shop, nor did he come to her, let alone tell her what he wanted.

Now that I have done all this, there seems to be no way out.

He was dazed, thinking about something.

He made this decision recklessly, and he didn't know what price he would pay for it in the future. He can only pray, no matter what sin, let him carry it alone, and don't disturb his mind.

"Good morning Xiaobai!" Nianxin greeted him joyfully.

"Good morning." Bai Yujing was carrying too much in his heart, looking at Nianxin, his thoughts were complicated.

She dared to love and hate, there was nothing wrong with it. It's just that she loves the wrong person, they shouldn't fall in love.

Seeing Nianxin carefree and worrying about nothing, Bai Yujing frowned, "Nianxin, stop here, this road will not work."

"Why?" Nianxin turned back again, sitting on the bed, "Yugong can still move mountains. If the road is blocked, we can get through it. You love me and I love you. Why can't we be together because we are uncles and nephews? It’s not up to me to decide where I was born. If I can, I don’t want to be related to you by blood!"

Bai Yujing frowned.

Does she think he just wants it?

If there is no such blood relationship, he can worry about nothing!

Seeing that he hesitated, Nianxin suddenly took off her shirt.


She rushed towards him regardless of the three or seventy-one, and threatened aggressively: "I didn't want to be like this, but seeing you want to change your mind again, I can only do this."

As long as they have a solid relationship, he won't be able to look back!

Nianxin pounced on it as a mess, knowing nothing, just messing around. Following the action on the small yellow map that I saw after accidentally jumping on the wrong interface, I played around.

She knew where the man's weakness was and attacked Xiao Xiaobai!

So she pulled off the quilt, but this pull was stunned.

The small tent is tall...

Although the cabin incident was before, she is now behind, but looking at it this way is still a bit shy.

Bai Yujing was a little embarrassed and pulled the quilt back: "It's... Chen..."

He waited for Nianxin to get out of bed first, also to avoid this embarrassing scene. Who knew she came back halfway, and...

"Oh..." Nianxin suddenly understood, and nodded, "I heard that men all have mornings, but it turns out to be true? So amazing..."

"..." He didn't know how to answer.

Originally, when things came to this, Nianxin should have avoided it, but she didn't. Instead, she rushed forward three times and five divided two, and pulled his trouser chain down with a "tear"!

"!" Bai Yujing's eyes widened, "Nianxin!"

Nianxin smiled mischievously: "It's still like this... Xiaobai, will you just follow me? You see Xiao Xiaobai is like this, can you bear it?"

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