You For Eternity

Chapter 1033: One twin for a lifetime (12)

"You shouldn't save her."

What immediately rang in the room was the voice of her father Bai Yuming.

When Nianxin heard it, she was stunned.

If you are far away, you may be able to lie to yourself that you have heard it wrong, and perhaps there is some misunderstanding in the middle. But she was standing outside the door, and the people inside did not expect that she would eavesdrop at the door and did not control her own volume at all, so she heard clearly.

Nianxin stepped back subconsciously to leave here, not wanting to listen anymore.

But she stopped again.

She wanted to hear what Xiaobai thought, would he also regret saving her?

Nianxin was both scared and expectant, and bit her finger.

Next, Bai Yujing answered, "Brother, what do you say?"

A tepid sentence makes people unable to hear anything.

"You are too impulsive," Bai Yuming's voice sank. "You are always calm and calm when things happen. Why do you become confused at that time? Nianxin and you, who is more important to the Bai family? How can you completely set yourself Life and death out of degrees?"

"Big Brother! But that's—"

Bai Yujing’s words were cut off by Bai Yuming: "No but! If you have to choose one between you and her, it must be you too! The Bai family can have her without her, but you can’t be without you! You are the successor of the Bai family I cultivated. , If you are gone, what will the Bai family do? Is there only that impulse in your heart, not thinking about our brothers in the Bai family at all?"

"Brother!" Bai Yujing's decibels also increased a bit, "I really didn't expect you to say something like this. If that person is someone else, it's okay, but she is Nianxin! Your daughter, my niece! You let me stand by. Watching her die because of me? She died, so what if I survived? Does it make sense? Or do you think I can bear these sins and live safe and sound?"

Bai Yujingyi verbally refuted Bai Yuming.

Nianxin listened to their conversation without missing a word.

It is true that her father's words made her fall to the bottom of the pool in an instant, as if she couldn't breathe in the water, but his words were not unreasonable.

Why didn't I think so at the beginning? It's fine for anyone to die, and that person can't be Xiaobai.

Even if she were to make a choice between herself and Xiaobai, she would choose to let him survive.

It's just that it's one thing to think so, but it's another thing to think so naturally.

If he was there and made a decision in a hurry to keep the more important one, she might not be sad, but now after the incident, he still...

This is really her father.

In fact, she didn't say it on the surface, but how could she not think about it in her heart? Bai Xi is dead. She is his only daughter now. Will he be different from himself?

Nothing...nothing has changed.

There is no need to listen to the next words, and then think about it, Xiaobai is still protecting her, that's enough.

In the room, the two brothers of the Bai family were still arguing, and their opinions could not be unified.

"I just want to tell you that if you do it again, you must not take risks anymore and put yourself in danger!"

"One more time, I still won't leave her," Bai Yujing said firmly, "No wonder Nianxin doesn't want to recognize you. If she hears these things you said, how much will she hurt her heart?"

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