You For Eternity

Chapter 1034: One twin for a lifetime (13)

Whether it's his brother-in-law, or...

He couldn't even ignore the life and death of Nianxin.

It's the same as many times, his choice will not change.

He always thought that a little bit of mind was still small and self-willed, so he was not worthy of his father, but it turned out that the problem was not the mind at all, but the older brother.

He was practicing outside, and he was a little surprised to see Nian Xin's treatment in the Bai family that year.

It seems that in those days when he was away from Bai's house, the number of times that Nianxin was hurt was uncountable, and the degree of each time was no less than those just said.

Otherwise, she would not be like this.

"It's fine..." Bai Yuming didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Since this matter is over, I won't mention it. It's not early. Go back and rest."

My younger brother is very caring about my niece. He had no intention of saying more, he could only hope that the same thing would not happen again.

Bai Yujing respects his elder brother very much, and usually he would not talk back to him. It is not blind obedience, but because the big brother's decision has always been right, and he has always put the overall situation first.

However, if the overall situation is to be replaced by the life of Nianxin, then it is not that important to him.

Before Bai Yujing left, he said: "Brother, Nianxin is your daughter. I believe you care about her more than I do. It's okay to just tell me what you said just now. If Nianxin listens to her, she is afraid she will leave this. Home is getting farther and farther away. Is this what you hoped for, big brother?"

Bai Yuming was silent.

"I hope you can understand that if some things are lost, they can be recovered, but once some things are lost, they will be lost for the rest of your life. God won't give you a second chance."

Bai Yuming didn't answer him, but just said, "Now that the younger brother has grown up, should he start teaching his elder brother how to behave?"

It wasn't a fierce tone, and there was no point to blame, but Bai Yujing was still startled, and then said, "I didn't mean that."

He is always used to being respectful to his elder brother, but if he is a little disrespectful, he feels uncomfortable. Plus……

"It doesn't matter what you mean. Go back and rest. You can recover from your injuries and don't think about anything else."

Bai Yujing went out.

His guest room was on Bai Yuming's right, but his feet involuntarily moved to the left, Nianxin's room.

He didn't know what he was going to do, he stood at the door, raised his hand, and didn't knock.

Forget it, it's late now, and she should be asleep too, so she won't bother her anymore.

After Bai Yujing thought so, he turned around and was about to leave, and suddenly stopped.

He stepped back and listened close to the door.

How does it seem...


Noticing something was wrong, he knocked on the door.

Nianxin didn't come, even after he knocked on the door, he didn't even hear the sobbing.

Bai Yujing just tried to open the door and found that the door was not locked.

She shouldn't have that habit in her own home.

After entering, the door was closed. He saw her huddled under the blanket, and he probably knew he had come in, so there was no sound.

He sat down and tried to pull the bedding, she pulled it tightly.

"It's me," he said.

Nianxin still did not answer.

"Are you crying?" He should have heard it right.

Nianxin didn't expect him to come, so she immediately stopped her voice and pretended to sleep. Who knew he had come in directly, she had to curl up in the quilt.

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