You For Eternity

Chapter 1036: One twin for a lifetime (15)

He thought now that he came back too late.

As long as he returns home earlier, Nianxin will suffer less harm at that time.

"Don't think about it, it's all over, and I won't have that experience anymore. Big brother, it's not that he doesn't like you, but he will think of Bai Xi when he sees you. Some things in the past will make him more sad. Our family This hurdle will pass sooner or later, just like Grandpa, don’t you like you very much now?"

Bai Yujing's comfort was very useful, although Nianxin was sad, but thinking about the words just now, she also accepted.

"Even so...I still feel that Xiaobai is really more important than me..." She collapsed softly in his arms.

Bai Yujing did not speak.

He didn't tell Nianxin. In his heart, there was always a default option: she was more important than himself.

He couldn't say it.

The uncertain future made him unable to say what he wanted to say without any scruples like Nianxin.

Seeing Nianxin sleeping, he slowly put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

The tears in the corners of his eyes were not dry yet, so he leaned in and kissed there.

He looked at her, his eyes full of non-stingy favors, which was a habit accumulated over so many years. Plus... I feel very sorry for her now.

He put his hand on her hair and rubbed it gently.

If he can't be the last person with her, then he also hopes that she can meet the person who treats her gently in the future.


Bai Yuming made a special trip to Haicheng to appease the old lady. After seeing the little brother, he planned to go back.

Before leaving, Lan Ye also received the news that Lord Bai had arrived in Haicheng, and proposed to be a temporary host.

Bai Yuming treats Lan Ye as his future son-in-law. He invites dinner, he will certainly not refuse, so he called Nianxin and Bai Yujing together.

Bai Yuming asked Bai Yujing to take Nianxin to the shopping mall in the afternoon to buy some new clothes and jewelry, so that he could attend the appointment in the evening. Another purpose was to let Bai Yujing take a leisurely time, otherwise he would deal with this and that when he stayed at home.

This is in line with Nianxin's intention. You don't need to be in the same frame with him at home, and you can go out on a date with Xiaobai alone. It's the best of both worlds!

After waking up in the morning, Nianxin returned to normal, as if nothing happened last night.

Bai Yujing thought, if he hadn't seen her slightly swollen eyes, he would have thought that he was just a dream yesterday.

"You control your time," Bai Yuming stood at the door watching them, "If you are late, go directly to the hotel, you don't need to meet with me."

"I know, big brother, it's cold outside, let's go in." Bai Yujing drove.

Bai Yuming watched them out, but found no abnormalities.

After leaving his line of sight, Nianxin in the passenger seat exhaled, "Lan Ye, please have dinner... why?"

"Maybe it's just polite."

"He will be polite?" Nianxin seemed to hear a big joke.

"He doesn't have one, but his sister does."

The white and blue two married, as juniors, this etiquette must always be taken care of.

"Lan Ye is often not marginal. He is strange and has a bad temper. If you think he is angry, he is not angry. If you don't think you need to be angry, he may already be angry. I think he is just crazy," Nian Xinbu Yue, "He must have prepared another'package' tonight!"

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