You For Eternity

Chapter 1037: One twin for a lifetime (16)

Speaking of Lan Ye, Nianxin felt fear for no reason.

This kind of fear is increasing day by day, and it has developed into a psychological change. When you hear or see it, there will be corresponding changes in your heart.

Nianxin doesn't like Lan Ye, and she resists it physically and psychologically.

Although she didn't know 100% of Lan Ye, she also knew a thing or two.

Even if Lan Fei told him in advance what to do, if it wasn't what he wanted to do, he would definitely not do it. He would try his best to push it away. How could he be so proactive as it is now?

"Don't think about it, let's watch it then."

Although Bai Yujing also suspected that Lan Ye had bad motives, they had no better way to deal with it, and they could only act according to the situation.

What Lan Ye can do is to expose their affairs in front of his eldest brother, but it is unknown who the eldest brother believes.

Maybe at first, I would believe in my family and feel that others are talking nonsense. But once this kind of words get into his ears, how you look at them in the future, I am afraid they will still have a different color.

Just like a king in ancient times, trust a person again. Once a treacherous villain fanned the flames and a crack between that person, the king would speculate about everything he did in the future. In the end, that person's fate could be Think about it.

Suspicion has always been the biggest taboo between people throughout the ages.

For the time being, the two did not think about what would happen to the evening meal.

The most prosperous shopping area in the center of Haicheng City is the Glory Mall under Li Hengzhi. Inside the huge shopping mall, there are many brands, including Honor Group's own and other brands. In short, this is the most popular place for shopping in Haicheng.

The lower floors are for light luxury goods, while the upper floors are mostly luxury shops, clothing, jade ornaments, jewelry and so on.

Nianxin wanted to stroll around the lower floors, but Bai Yujing took her to the upper floors.

She walked behind, looking at the hands they were holding together, as if they were really going out on a date, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

This is probably the best thing her father did for her, right?

They gave them a chance to go out on a date in a fair and honest manner.

Nian Xin thought happily, speeding up his pace and chasing after him, and directly embraced Bai Yujing's arm with two hands, leaned his face against him, and entered the elevator.

Bai Yujing looked down at her, met her bright smile, and said nothing.

The mirror of the elevator mirrors a pair of beautiful couples who are very suitable both in terms of appearance and temperament. A woman who looks aside is very envious.

This man... is too good-looking, right?

He is tall and handsome, and he can feel the power of his muscles in his clothes. His facial features are impeccably perfect, and his straight shoulders make him look refreshed.

I don't know if there is the background of the girl next to him, which makes such a hard man reveal a soft breath.

The woman looked at the fat-eared Mediterranean boss next to herself, it was really...

There is no harm without comparison!

It happened that all four of them entered a jewelry store. Nianxin didn't want to go in. She was not interested in jewelry, but Bai Yujing said that she wanted to buy her a necklace, so she dragged her in.

Nianxin looked around and bumped into the woman in the elevator.

The woman looked at her, smiled and asked, "Why are you so lucky?"

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