You For Eternity

Chapter 1038: One twin for a lifetime (17)

Nianxin looked at her confusedly, and asked, "What?"

"I mean, why are you so lucky to run into such a man? Pick one out of a million... Oh no, you can't find one out of ten thousand."


"Where are you from? Is there anyone like him, introduce me? Look at my boss, hey, I'm really..."

Just now in the elevator, Nianxin actually didn't pay much attention to others. Now listening to her, she looked in the direction she was pointing, recalling what she said, and suddenly understood.

"Ah... you mean, you think I am...?"

Nianxin realized that this woman thought of her as...

Missed girl?

After reaching this conclusion, Nianxin almost couldn't help laughing.

She crossed the shoulders of this woman and saw Xiaobai sitting on the sofa, holding an illustration book given by the clerk, carefully checking which one was more suitable for her.

After Bai Yujing came in, the jewellery shop seemed to have changed its atmosphere, radiating light everywhere. Those chasing lights one after another, as if hitting him alone.

The soft light sets off his profile perfectly, which is fascinating.

The clerk in charge of the shopping guide almost grabbed this order from other colleagues. They were like a hungry wolf meeting a sheep, wishing they could all rush forward.

Nianxin smiled.

However, Xiaobai really didn't catch a cold to them at all.

He hadn't even seen the clerk who was scratching his head next to him, and he had never looked away.

"Sister, what shall I ask you?"

"Huh?" Nianxin came back to her senses and smiled, "No, you have misunderstood. Actually, I--"

"Oh, it's okay, I know that little girls like you have a thin face at first and dare not say anything. As time goes by, the habit will be better."


It's really not!

Nianxin laughed, which is embarrassing...

She raised her head slightly, looked at the ceiling and thought, her face looks like this...?

Nianxin felt that it was useless to explain herself. She was already preconceived. No matter what she said, she still misunderstood. Anyway, it was the passer-by who had only seen one side, and there was no need to explain, so he smiled and said, "Uh... Baijiapu!"

Come casually.

"Baijiapu? What is Baijiapu? Why have I never heard of it?"

"It's not from Haicheng." He smiled.

"Ah... It turns out that it’s not from Haicheng, no wonder you haven’t heard... Then did he say how much money he would buy for you? My boss, I think he can pay this amount for me, it’s pretty good ."

She held out a finger.

"Ten thousand?"

"No, I'm stingy..."

Ten thousand is not too much, I thought to myself, judging from their appearance, it doesn't seem like a long-term relationship.

"Where is your boss? Looks like rich and generous!"

"Ah? I don't know... he didn't tell me either."

Nianxin replied with a smile, and thought it was fun to be misunderstood, and no longer had the desire to explain.

The two were chatting one after another, and Bai Yujing shouted, "Nianxin."

"Yes~" Nianxin responded happily.

There seemed to be a big question mark hanging on Bai Yujing's head. He raised his head, feeling strange, and saw her come over, took his arm and sat down, "Boss, you call me?"


Bai Yujing is a little confused about the situation.

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