You For Eternity

Chapter 1064: One twin for a lifetime (43)

"Oh nothing..." Chu Chu smiled at him, thought about the situation in the ward just now, and replied, "You know the situation in our family. It's no good if we all get together."

Li Hengzhi thought about their family's situation, indeed.

"Are you in trouble again?"

"No, don't stop. But now that Xiao Yuanhang is there with him, it's all right. Forget it, don't talk about them."

If two people have been together for a long time, they will not consider embarrassment. Even if you don't say anything in the car, you won't feel any strange atmosphere.

The reason was not embarrassment. Li Hengzhi drove the car, and occasionally turned to Chuchu when the light was red, always feeling that something was going on in her heart.

Although they have not really fallen in love for more than a year, they know each other very well, and there are any small changes in the details, even if the eyes cannot see, the heart can feel it.

But after Chu Chu came out, he didn't say anything, so he didn't ask forcibly. Seeing that she was tired, he let her rest.

After getting into the car, Chu Chu lowered the seat and closed his eyes.

In fact, Moni and the others did not say anything to her, but there was one sentence that made her feel uneasy.

He said they would meet again.

This means that it was not a coincidence that she and Moni met, he appeared frequently in front of her, it was just the beginning.

Li Hengzhi's cell phone rang suddenly. Although it was not a harsh ringtone, it was noisy enough to make Chu Chu.

He hurriedly switched the phone to silent, then he glanced at the screen and picked it up: "Hello? I'm driving—what?"

Chu Chu opened his eyes and slowly turned his face toward the window of the car.

There was no light in the car, she could only see his expression from the light of his mobile phone, coupled with the tone of his call, she also knew that this call was at least not an announcement.

Who will be on the phone?

Although it's not a good thing to eavesdrop on someone talking on the phone, she listens in an open manner...

Ears stood up and listened carefully. In fact, the person on the other end of the phone had been talking, and Li Hengzhi had hardly opened his mouth.

There were loud horns outside, which was a bit noisy, making it difficult for Chu Chu to tell who it was from the faint voice from the phone. However, it was a bit shrill, it should be a woman?

"First of all." Li Hengzhi didn't say anything, and hung up the phone.


"I am a friend."

She sent Chu Chu to Xiangshui Bend. After she got out of the car, she found that Li Hengzhi hadn't got off the car, so she bent down and asked him, "It's so late, where else are you going?"

"I have to go out again if I have something to do. You go in first and don't know when you will be back. Don't wait for me. Go to sleep."

Thinking of the phone call just now, I asked suspiciously: "Is it important? It's still so late."

"It's very important, I have to go."

"Well, you should be careful on the road. The fog is a bit heavy tonight, so drive slowly."


"Mother, you're back," Ji Xuan just came out of the kitchen. After she saw Chu Chu, she glanced behind her and asked strangely, "Huh? Are you alone? Why do I hear the engine sound, Master Haven't come back?"

"Your ears are really good. Your young master has something wrong, so he is out again! Is Qianyi sleeping?"

"I've been in the room for a while, should I sleep?"

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