You For Eternity

Chapter 1065: One twin for a lifetime (44)

"After sleeping, I won't bother him. The little guy is small and not very annoying."

"My grandma, what you said is like how terrible the young master is."

Chu Chu smiled slightly: "It's not terrible. My family Qianyi has been carrying the domineering president Fan'er since childhood, and his posture is the same as his father. Anyway, I dare not provoke him."

"Puff......" Ji Xuan laughed when she heard it.

She didn't hear any sense of fear, but the happiness of a woman.

Having a husband and a son, even though she has suffered some suffering before, she is now the envy of most women.

"Suddenly let you come over, I'm sorry, I took your private time."

"What's so embarrassing about this? Anyway, I just took a shift today, not to mention that I'm taking an ordinary class? That's my mother, it's necessary."

Aunt Qin had some low blood pressure today, so Chu Chu and the others let her rest in the mansion. And because Chu Chu agreed to go to Qianjia for dinner and knew that he would be later, so he asked Ji Xuan specifically, otherwise it would not be appropriate to lock Qian Yi at home.

Ji Xuan is almost independent now, and Li Hengzhi is very supportive about this, so now he will ask part-time workers to clean up at home, basically without Ji Xuan coming in person.

Of course, you can also go to a housekeeping company to take care of your children, but outsiders, there is no acquaintance to make them feel relieved. Ji Xuan happened to be free, and agreed to this again, and she had the best of both worlds.

Chu Chu sat on the sofa, raised one leg, patted her face rhythmically with her fingers, and said: "I heard...The Sheng family has recently launched a fierce pursuit of you. We take up your time so much, no Great?"

Ji Xuan's expression immediately changed: "You... don't talk nonsense! Nothing!"

"Really do not have?"

"Really not! He is just a dude, and he is like this to everyone, I am not an exception."

"That's it..." Chu Chu's tone changed, "That's a shame... I thought someone could finally recover the scourge of Shengming. Although this scourge has been left for thousands of years, I have wronged you, but for the sake of our spring and autumn. Great cause--" Chu Chu said, then suddenly braked, "No, there is no great cause of Spring and Autumn, so I'll miss it soon."

However, she just listened to Xuan'er's words. She always felt that it was not that simple between Sheng Ming and Xuan'er.

Chu Chu took a shower later. Because there was still work to finish and her stomach was a little hungry, she had to go down and cook something for herself. As soon as she left the room, she ran into Qianyi who came out of the children’s room. The eyes seemed to come out of a wave of sleep.

"Oh! Little Taozi, you are back."

I haven't seen Qianyi all day, so Chu Chu squatted down and hugged him: "What's the matter, my Qianyi baby, how come I fell asleep and got out of bed?"

Qianyi, who had just woke up, was relatively obedient, and she hadn't seen Chu Chu for a whole day, so she was holding her, and because of sleepiness, her chin was also subconsciously resting on her shoulder.

Chu Chu felt such a soft Qianyi, and he was very happy.

It's rare to have the same behavior as a normal child, why doesn't she take the opportunity to hug more?

"I had a nightmare..." Qianyi muttered, "Little Taozi, do you know what I dreamed of? I dreamt that the big boss was taken away by the monster."

"Puff......" Chu Chu smiled suddenly.

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