You For Eternity

Chapter 1068: One twin for a lifetime (47)

A little peach: Well, it's not a major event like cheating. Now he is just angry. I won't look for him for the time being today. When he is angry, you will apologize to him again.

Although Tong Tong cannot be blamed for this, of course, Aunt Gu, but...

Who made this happen so coincidental?

Haicheng is so big, there are so many cafes, but God blessed him and Tong Tong went to the same place, what else can be said?

Wutong Ye: Well, I think so too. The worst result... isn't it just breaking up.

A little peach: Hey don't my sister! This matter shouldn't cause a breakup! Sesame and mung beans are big things, at most three days, three days, no more! I promise it will be good!

In fact, Chu Chu rarely quarreled with Li Hengzhi. Before falling in love, he had been in a cold war because of some misunderstandings, but he did not quarrel. Therefore, he had never encountered similar situations.

It's normal for God to get angry because of this, but if she keeps getting angry, and even breaks up with Tongtong for this, then she can only say one thing from a neutral perspective, let's divide.

That proved to him that Tong Tong is not that important yet.

Both of them have things to do, so they talk and do their own things. Although the efficiency is slow, it is not too boring.

Sometimes I forgot, and maybe I haven't talked for more than half an hour when I look up, so I will reply immediately.

Sometimes, he leaned his head back and fell asleep directly on the back of the chair.

At two o'clock in the morning, the effect of coffee was not so obvious, and the sleepiness struck, causing Chu Chu to sit in a chair and fall asleep many times.

"Ding Dong--" With a sound, the news from Gu Tong immediately awakened Chu Chu who was sleeping. He opened his dim eyes, wiped it, and the words on the screen were blurred.

Wutong Ye: Have you finished it yet? I'm so sleepy...

A little peach: No, there are still several pages to read. I don’t know who made the planning book.

Wutong Ye: We won't be going all night, will we?

A little peach: Come on, I want it tomorrow morning, I can't finish it.

After Chu Chu sent these words, Tong Tong didn't come back again. She guessed that she must have fallen asleep again.

Chu Chu slapped her face to make herself sober, then cheered up and continued.

Only after a while, both eyes closed unconsciously...

Now, the bedroom was completely quiet, and Gu Tong was almost asleep.

At dawn the next day, at about six o'clock, Ji Xuan got up first.

Since the last time she caught a cold and became ill, she has started to keep fit. She wakes up every morning to go for a morning jog. After a period of persistence, she feels healthier than before.

When she came out, she saw that the door of Chu Chu's bedroom was open, because it was winter, and it was not particularly bright at six o'clock. It was easy to tell if the light was on in the room.

She was a little surprised how the door was open, so she went over and took a look.

"Brother Li? Chu Chu?"

Generally speaking, it is impossible to sleep without closing the door. Ji Xuan wondered if anything would happen, right? ? Push the door gently--

The bed can only be seen after walking in, but the scene in front of the desk can be seen as soon as the door is pushed.


Ji Xuan went in and saw that there was no one on the bed.

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