You For Eternity

Chapter 1069: One twin for a lifetime (48)

She guessed it when she saw Chu Chu lying on the table asleep. Brother Li must not be there, otherwise he would not let her sleep like this.

Ji Xuan walked over and patted her shoulder: "Chu Chu?"

"Huh?" Chu Chu woke up, raised his head, completely stunned, awake: Who am I? Where am I? What's wrong with me?

Looking at her like this, Ji Xuan chuckles and laughs: "Wake up, it's dawn."

"It's dawn..." Chu Chu repeated dumbfoundedly. He looked around and then at the empty bed. He felt a little more energetic and touched his forehead and asked, "Is it dawn? What time is it?"

"It's six o'clock," Ji Xuan replied, "Why did you lie down here all night? Where's Brother Li? Didn't you come back?"

The bed was neat and tidy, and if Ji Xuan came in from the outside and asked her this sentence, it could only be that he hadn't come back. He shook his head dumbfounded and said, "I don't know... I probably haven't come back..."

"Then do you get up or go back to bed and continue to sleep? If you get up, I will go down and make breakfast for two now."

"I won't sleep anymore," Chu Chu stretched, "Trouble sister Xuan'er!"

Now that I am awake, there is no reason to continue sleeping. I fell asleep last night, and I didn't finish reading the remaining pages.

She stood up and moved her muscles and bones first, hurts, her neck seemed to be broken!

Her eyes fell on the empty bed.

What an important thing that kept him from coming back all night?


Ji Xuanchen ran back and met Li Hengzhi who had returned, and the voice of greeting was heard by Chu Chu upstairs.

"Hush." ​​Li Hengzhi hissed at her, probably because he was afraid of disturbing the two people sleeping upstairs.

"Ah, Brother Li, but—"

Ji Xuan hasn't finished speaking yet, but Chu Chu and Qianyi have already gotten up?

Because in normal terms, they are not up yet.

When Ji Xuan wanted to talk, Li Hengzhi had already gone upstairs, and she was too screaming, just forget it.

It’s not an outsider anyway, right?

At this time, Qianyi patted Chuchu's shoulder, and said with earnest and sincere words: "Take a good trial, and be with you mentally. Men can't be used to them. You must overwhelm the other party from the momentum, come on!"


Before Chu Chu could answer a word, Qianyi gave her a compliment.

...Hey, that's not the case, son!

As soon as the little guy heard that the big president did not come back last night, he suddenly felt that his dream was very directional. He told her to ask her to ask her about it carefully.

Li Hengzhi and Qianyi collided at the door. The former was taken aback: "Qianyi? Did you get up so early?"

Four-year-old Qianyi is less than one meter, not as long as Li Hengzhi's pair of long legs. He raised his little head, looked at him complicatedly, said "Oh", and ran away.

Li Heng had a strange face and looked at Chu Chu in the room: "What's wrong with Qianyi?"

"Ah, it's nothing, kid, don't understand what he means." Chu Chu casually skipped the topic.

"Why do you all get up so early today?"

"Get up early if you can't sleep."

Li Hengzhi did not continue to ask, took off his coat and went in for a bath.

Chu Chu sat on the computer chair, took a deep breath, looked away, and then turned back...

How to do……

No, she has to endure, hold back Qianchuchu!

One minute later.

Chu Chu flicked his forehead as punishment, and you couldn't help it!

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