You For Eternity

Chapter 1071: One double for a lifetime (50)

He looked a little tired, indeed he looked like he hadn't slept all night. He didn't seem to be in good spirits, and he fell asleep after holding Chu Chu in a short while.

Chu Chu lay in his arms, not sleepy.

This embrace is still so warm, nothing has changed, and there is only his own taste at this time.

Seeing his tired look, she didn't allow herself to doubt the man she loved so much, she should believe him.

Chu Chu approached him and kissed his lips.

He must wake up normally, but today seems to be really tired, there is no sign of waking up at all, plus he may just sleep lightly, it doesn't matter if it is her.


"Brother Li didn't sleep last night?"


"He often does this. When you haven't lived here before, you might not even come back here for half a month. The company is very busy. Don't think about it."

Hearing what Ji Xuan said, Chu Chu suddenly raised his head: "What do I think?"

"Ah, did I read it wrong..." Ji Xuan was unwilling to continue, "then let's not say it."

It's okay, right?

How could Chu Chu not understand Ji Xuan's words, thought for a moment, touched her face and asked her, "I... behaved very obviously?"

Ji Xuan squeezed her thumb and index finger together: "There are so many things..."

Chu Chu supported half of his head, thinking that yes, it is easy to hide from a man, but both are women, and it is not difficult to see if they are more careful.

She tilted her head, looked at Ji Xuan and asked, "Then Xuan'er, this matter...what do you think?"

"Ah..." The question still comes...

Because of the nervousness, Ji Xuan held up a glass of water and drank it. She smiled and said, "This is your husband and wife's business. I can't get along well..."

"It's okay, just talk about it. There is really something between us. It must not be because of you. It means that our relationship itself cannot withstand the toss."

Chu Chu asked again and again, Ji Xuan couldn't refuse any more, and replied in a vague way: "I think...this is the last mistake a man can make. No matter how good a man, if he makes this mistake, it is in my heart. The impression score of Li will be greatly reduced, even if it is Brother Li. Although I like Brother Li very much—"

When Ji Xuan said this, he stopped for a moment, "Don't get me wrong, I don't like him that way now, but I like him the same way."

"I understand, you continue."

"Although I like him very much, I can't compromise on principles. It's just... I don't know what Chu Chu thinks about you. Hmm... Maybe I haven't met my significant other yet, just standing here and talking. My back hurts."

Maybe things are more complicated than she thought?

She now feels that once the man derails, this matter absolutely cannot be compromised and must be divorced, but if you look at it from a realistic perspective, can you really get away?

Don’t say anything else, Qianyi...

"No," Chu Chu said with a smile, "I'm the same as you think."

If something like this really happened, based on your own personality, you wouldn't be able to swallow it.

She can bear it, but Qianyi can't bear it.

He doesn't like to see her forbearance the least. President Qian's motto is: When you can't bear it, you don't need to endure it anymore.

If you endure this kind of bullying, let alone himself, the little baby will despise her for a lifetime.

"then you……"

Chu Chu said with a smile: "One thing is one thing, I just said if. But I believe there is no if."

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