You For Eternity

Chapter 1072: One twin for a lifetime (51)

When Ji Xuan heard this, she quickly said, "I also believe in Brother Li!"

The two looked at each other, and suddenly they both laughed scornfully, and said in unison: "Well, there was still a little suspicion..."

Women really can’t deceive each other against women!

They can perceive something just by looking at each other's eyes.

Ji Xuan walked over from the opposite side, sat beside Chu Chu, and said solemnly: "Actually, I really want to trust Brother Li... But again, my mother always tells me that men are reliable, mothers The pig can climb the tree. The ancients have a certain truth, after all, it is the lesson of how many people's blood and tears are left behind."

Ji Xuan has followed her mother since she was a child, and it is said that her father abandoned his wife and daughter.

So it's not surprising that Aunt Qin would tell her daughter that.


TV station.

Before she got her driver's license, the chief executive of the family wouldn't allow her to move the Scripps.

Speaking of this car, because it's a women's car, Li Hengzhi can't drive it, she can't drive it. After buying it, she really kept throwing dust in the garage, which is a waste to think about it!

However, the big president is really rich. He gave it to her as a gift and never thought about whether she would open it. Even if he put it at home, the president said it doesn't matter.

It's just that when he first accepted the royal car, he wondered how he could get it. Now there is no need to worry about it, he himself is that kind of identity.

Even if he is not recognized in the world, his identity is still there. With the power he has now, how difficult is it to buy this car?

Chu Chu is not accustomed to being picked up by a special car, so unless Li Hengzhishun takes her out, she will take the bus out by herself and return to nature.

As soon as Chu Chu got off the bus, he saw that the person in front of the car was Tong Tong, and called her: "Hey Tongtong-why did you get off the bus? Where is your car?"

Gu Tong looked at her and said, "Aren't you still getting off the bus? The president's wife of the Glory should take the bus?"

Gu Tong's voice was a little loud, and Chu Chu went straight up and covered her mouth.

Do you understand Cai Bulubai?

Be low-key!

"What's wrong with me taking the bus? The bus is environmentally friendly!" Chu Chu baited her, "What about you? Are you also environmentally friendly?"

"Yes, environmental protection!" Gu Tong nodded and said, "I have made a small contribution to greening the world!"

"Let's come here...what happened to the car?"

In order to save money, Tong Tong originally rented a relatively remote apartment. The cheaper places are definitely far from the city, so relatively speaking, the traffic is very inconvenient.

At that time, I bought a second-hand car to make it easier to commute to and from get off work. Will she get up early and go around like this every day?

"Sold it." Gu Tong replied lightly.

"Sold it?" Chu Chu widened his eyes, "Are you serious? Why did you sell it? don't want to buy a new car, do you?"

"No, just do it for the time being, save money."

The two walked into the TV station while talking.

"Save money?" Chu Chu caught up with him a few steps, and then suddenly understood, "Could it be... for the declaration you made last time? Want to marry rich?"

"That's it," Gu Tong snorted, "but I think I might sell it early, maybe it doesn't need to be."

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