You For Eternity

Chapter 1076: One twin for a lifetime (55)

"This..." Chu Chu hesitated, "Nianxin, don't be impulsive."

She was really afraid that she would really make such a decision on an impulse.

She has met Lan Ye several times. Perhaps he is really moved by Nian, but he is not at the same level as Second Master Bai. To marry him, Second Master Bai agrees, but Hengzhi also disagrees!

Lan Ye was simply not the kind of person who was worthy of entrusting him for a lifetime.

"I'll be honest, this society is much more tolerant to men than to our women. Although we don't want to, that's nothing we can do. You already have Weiyang. How difficult it is to raise children alone, I will try Yes, I understand how I feel," Chu Chu said, "If you have to divorce again, it will not do you any good. If one of you two must be married, then I also choose Bai Erye, Even if it is your brother, he will make the same choice. Because Erye Bai is different from you, he is a man. Even if he gets divorced in the future, it will not affect his own value. He wants to get married, but there are many women. I will want to marry him. So you must never have this idea again."

Nianxin may be ruined in marriage, but Bai Erye will not. This is the difference between them.

Even a woman in her 30s who is unmarried may be criticized, let alone divorced with a child?

No matter how self-reliant she is, she cannot change the pedantic thinking of some people.

As they were talking like this, Nianxin's cell phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and Chu Chu also glanced at it, and the screen showed Lan Ye.

Nianxin didn't want to pick it up, changed the mute, and left it to the side without hanging up, treating it as invisible.

The phone rang for a while and then stopped. I thought it would be fine, but then another message was sent.

——I'm at the door of the TV station. I know you are inside, are you out or me in?

Both of them were taken aback.

How would he know that thought is inside?

Chu Chu suddenly took Nianxin's phone and looked at it: "Are you positioned by him?"

"I don't know... I didn't pay attention to this."

"Why don't you leave your phone with me and I will take you to the back door?"

"Okay!" Nianxin agreed and put the phone on Chu Chu's desk.

At this time, the person she didn't want to see was Lan Ye.

Chu Chu led her out. When the two people left the news department, they were startled by the one who suddenly appeared. Both of them stepped aside in astonishment.

Lan Ye leaned in the corner with one hand on the other. The one that was raised up was playing with his hair. He was obviously not looking at them, but knew they were coming, and said quietly, "I guess. You shouldn't come out to see me?"

After speaking, he looked over and smiled.


It seems that he also guessed that Nianxin would not choose either, so he had been waiting here long ago.

Chu Chu didn't like Lan Ye, but he had to say that this person was not easy to provoke, and his IQ was not low.

"What do you want to do?"

"Let's have dinner together at noon, so I can help my future father-in-law. I came here to pick you up specially."

"There are still several hours before noon, what are you doing to pick me up now?"

Lan Ye stood up suddenly, scared the two of them unconsciously stepped back.

He stepped forward and stood in front of Nianxin. He was very tall, bent down to look at Nianxin, and smiled slightly: "I won't come to pick up my future wife soon, I'm afraid she will run away."

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