You For Eternity

Chapter 1077: One twin for a lifetime (56)

"I won't come to pick up my future wife soon, I'm afraid she will run away."

Seeing Lan Ye's hand stretched towards Nianxin, Chu Chu blocked her hand quickly: "Lan Ye, there is a lot of people, and I hope you respect it. Nianxin is not your wife now, so don't touch her casually."

When Chu Chu was blocking, several people suddenly appeared from nowhere and looked at her aggressively.

Needless to say, these people are all Lan Ye's subordinates, thinking that she is going to be against Lan Ye and come to protect the lord.

Lan Ye lifted his hand and let them all go down: "You don't want to see who this person is. This is Fourth Master Li's careless liver, hurting her hair, you don't want to go back alive."

The words "Be careful of the liver" came out of Lan Ye's mouth, particularly wretched.

Chu Chu is not sure whether he really taboo Si Ye Li.

Lan Ye really seemed to be in the dark.

After Lan Ye finished teaching his subordinates, he smiled with Chu Chu and said, "Mrs. Li, the people underneath didn't teach well, please don't mind."

He was polite, and Chu Chu was naturally polite, and said with a perfunctory laugh, "Young Master Lan is serious, don't care."

Lan Ye immediately closed his smile again, and the corners of his mouth evoked an unfriendly arc: "I am very happy that Mrs. Li can protect her mind like this, but I also want to tell you that there are no people and things that Lan Ye believes. Can't get it. Since I said she is my future wife, she must be my future wife, it's just a matter of time."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I never said to marry you from start to finish!"

"You never said it, but I think you are a wife."

"What do you want?" Nianxin frowned, "How do you want me to let me go?"

She didn't know what evil she had done in her last life, and she would be bullied by Lan Ye even if she devoted herself to such a Bai family.

In the past, there was no chance to leave Bai's house, but then there was a chance, but because there was still Xiao Bai, he was a little bit reluctant.

"Okay, it's okay if you don't marry me, I'll go tell my future Master Yue now that you Bai Nianxin didn't want to marry me because you fell in love with your uncle."

Lan Ye turned around after speaking, as if it were true.

"Lan Ye!! You stop!" Nianxin couldn't wait to step forward and grab his arm, "You can't do this!"

What can't he do?

Even Chu Chu could hear it. There was no joking in these words. If Nianxin didn't catch him at this time, he could do anything when he was pressed.

"Why can't I be like this? I'm just telling the facts I know. Is there anything in this world that must not be done?" Lan Ye looked completely hooligan.

He seemed to be waiting for an answer.

"Isn't it just eating? I'll go with you."

"Nianxin--" Chu Chu grabbed her.

He wants to eat today, what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?

One day that line will be crossed.

What Chu Chu didn't know was that Lan Ye had actually crossed that line long ago.

"It's okay, I'll go there."

Now her father is here, Lan Ye wouldn't be so impulsive to do things that he couldn't think of as long as he didn't want to burn the jade.

Nianxin is sure that she is the daughter of the Bai family no matter what, even if she is not favored, can Bai Yuming allow others to ignore the majesty of the Bai family and step on the Bai family?

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