You For Eternity

Chapter 1100: One twin for a lifetime (79)

Chu Chu hurriedly hid and said hehe, "I was wrong...Isn't this just playing around with you? Stop it... You have to get up early tomorrow."

Li Hengzhi had already taken off the contact lenses, and the two eyes of different colors were shining with an unpleasant light, and his whole body trembled.

Oops, the pill!

The corner of his mouth evokes an arc: "Thank you for your concern, Madam. However, it doesn't matter if I don't sleep enough. Ten hours of airplane is enough for my sleep."

That time, Chu Chu had another miserable night.

Crying, what does it mean to not die or die?

In the early morning, she slept drowsily as if she could feel the sound of him getting up. She squinted her eyes and looked at it. The window was still gray and it was still early.

According to her guess, the darkness of winter must be only four or five o'clock.

She didn't remember what time she went to bed last night, but getting up so early is an extremely painful thing for her even in normal times.

Hmm... It's really not easy to make money to support a family!

Chu Chu thought so, but closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply.

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Hengzhi, who put on a suit and leather shoes, went around to the other side of the bed before going out, put his windbreaker on his arm, and squatted down watching the sleeping person on the bed.

He was sure that his hands were warm, so he touched her face and rubbed it gently.

Leaning over again, there was a mark of love on her forehead, "Chuchu, I love you...wait for me to go home."

In his sleep, Chu Chu seemed to have heard these words, but because he was too tired and sleepy, he couldn't open his eyes. She seemed to respond to him in a dream.

When I was woken up by the alarm in the morning, I was still in a daze, and I felt a little dazed.

Is Hengzhi on a business trip?

She turned around and saw that the other side of the bed was empty. The bed had already run out of temperature.

She yawned in a daze, got up sleepily, and saw a note on the bedside table with his handsome font: I love you, wait for me to come back. I told you when you were asleep, I was afraid you would not hear.

Chu Chu thought that the warmth in her heart was not just because the villa was full of heating.

It turned out that it was not a dream that she heard in a daze.

The drowsiness almost dissipated because of these words, and Chu Chu immediately got up.

When he walked out of the bedroom, Qianyi just came out of the children's room with a yawn. He was drowsy wearing a milky suit, dozing off again and again, and he wanted to laugh.

"Chief, why are you stuck like this this early?"

"Perhaps I had a dream all night..." Qianyi continued to yawn, and her eyes became moist.

After yawning, he squatted down on the ground, seeming to be still awake, but those beautiful blue eyes were a little dull at this time, and he blinked.

Looking at Chu Chu from this angle, it was like seeing a bunch of meatballs squatting there, not to mention how cute it was.

"What dream did you do?" Chu Chu also squatted down, "Could it be the fox demon who took your father away? Baby, if you dream of this kind of dream, your dad will be taken away by the fox demon. Terrible!"

"No..." Qianyi raised her godless eyes and yawned again, "This time someone was chasing me and almost died. I ran and ran, and couldn't run, I thought I was dead. Up."


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