You For Eternity

Chapter 1101: One double for a lifetime (80)

Chu Chu was amused by Qianyi's appearance. She had nothing to say, and touched his head: "Okay, let you watch less of the animal world, such a brutal program, you will of course have such terrible dreams at night if you watch too much. ."

Little guy, dream of a monster or being chased!

She had a dream about him, but it was all sweet dreams.

Qianyi blinked and started to regain his senses: "Where is the big boss? Are you on a business trip?"

"Yeah, I went out early in the morning. Our dad worked harder than that. When he comes back, Qianyi should care about him a lot."

"..." Qianyi's blue eyes looked over and said faintly, "As long as Mommy is there, it's the biggest motivation for Dad to make money. No matter how bad, just give Mommy to Dad and eat it right away. Electricity. Hmm... I don't know what it means, that's what Tongtong's mother said."

After Qianyi finished speaking, he looked at Chu Chu, as if he had discovered a new world, nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to have a charging function..."


What are "unexpected" and "unexpectedly"!

Stinky Tongtong, what strange thoughts have been instilled into the children!


Chu Chu and Gu Tong met at the TV station and were looking for her to settle the account. Gu Tong hurried away before chatting with her, saying that he was busy with work and had no time to chat with her, leaving Chu Chu alone at the door of the TV station.

Nothing more...

news department.

Chu Chu saw that Tong Tong was really in his place, with a serious expression, doing things very seriously, as if he was really busy.

Once they saw that everyone had packed up and started to do things, she didn't bother her and went back to her office.

It seems that Hengzhi is right. Tongtong is not the kind of person who loves to be immersed in sadness. Facts have proved that love and bread, now bread has a higher status in her mind.

As for love, let’s save the bread first.

At six o'clock in the evening, everyone on the TV station was off duty. At five o'clock, Tong Tong came in and greeted her. She said she was going to do something, but she didn't say what it was. Chu Chu was about to ask, so she hurried. He hurriedly left, leaving a sentence to make her pay more attention to evening entertainment.

At this moment, Li Hengzhi also arrived at the destination, and immediately called her to report safety.

Zhang Yang walked into the press department, saw her office door open, and knocked on the door.

"Come in—" Chu Chu continued the call and packed up.

"My car is outside, come with me?"

"Okay~ I'll be out soon."

Li Hengzhi heard some, but did not hear the public voice, and asked, "Who?"

"Our director," Chu Chu answered as he went out and closed the door. "There is a party in the evening, and all the directors and above must attend."

"Who is coming?" Li Hengzhi frowned slightly.

Usually this kind of situation is to meet important people.

What important person came to Haicheng, but he did not receive the news?

But it may also be something between their departments. He thinks too much.

"I don't know. It seems that there is a big man who is coming, and the director did not say. Okay, I won't tell you, I will go out immediately. It is not good to make a phone call."

"...Then you should be careful, and withdraw if you notice something wrong, don't be afraid to offend others.

"I see. Be careful when you go out and bring more bodyguards."


Li Hengzhi hung up the phone, always feeling... as if something was going to happen.

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