You For Eternity

Chapter 1102: One twin for a lifetime (81)

Chu Chu hung up the phone and walked out of the TV station. Along the way, I also met several colleagues from TV stations, as well as the head of personnel, Kong Weiwei, who walked among the few people. Everyone called her sister vivi.

Following Chu Chu's gaze, Kong Weiwei also saw her and smiled at her politely, so Chu Chu also returned a friendly smile.

Unexpectedly, with this smile, Kong Weiwei speeded up towards her.

"Chu Chu, are you alone?"

Kong Weiwei is in her thirties and is a beautiful mature woman.

Most of the rumors about her are also related to Israel's superiority. After all, they belonged to the post of minister at a very young age. People like to speculate about women in high positions, especially those who are beautiful. The current society cannot change this concept.

Chu Chu herself can be regarded as a person who has experienced big storms on the TV station. She doesn't know Kong Weiwei, so basically she won't discuss her, and she doesn't want to know whether the remarks are true or false.

"Oh no, director--"

"Sit in the boss's car?" Kong Weiwei understood before he finished speaking. He glanced outside and said with a smile, "Did not President Li come to pick you up today? I thought it was President Li who sent you there."

"Yes." Chu Chu just nodded without saying anything.

She and Kong Weiwei are not familiar with each other. They are only in the relationship between colleagues. She occasionally said a few words. When the ministerial meeting was held, she always went late, a little red among the green bushes, on both sides of Kong Weiwei. Usually it is already full of people, so she mostly sits on the opposite side of her.

Not familiar, so Chu Chu wouldn't explain to her Li Hengzhi's business trip.

"Why don't you take my car? Take a car with Director Zhang, and you are not afraid of having an extra son halfway?"

"Uh...probably not?"

Although Young Master Zhang grew up abroad, he hasn't pestered her since Li Hengzhi's marriage proposal was triggered by the pursuit of roses at the door last time.

It's just...Occasionally when I met him on the TV station, I would tell her if I would give him a chance if he got divorced, I didn't know if it was serious or a joke.


It was really unintentional.

"Let's go, whose car is not a car?"

"Then I will talk to the director."

It's right to think about it. After all, Zhang Yang is a man. She was in a car with him. There seemed to be other ministers in the car who didn't drive. All of them were men except Kong Weiwei. She might as well be with her.


There were only two of them in Kong Weiwei's car. Everyone was a colleague and a woman, so Chu Chu was unconstrained and chatted casually.

"It seems that the two of us have never been alone like this."

"Yes, there has been no chance." Chu Chu continued with a smile.

"I always think we are very similar."

"Huh?" Chu Chu didn't know where she started.

"Character, experience... or something."

"Did you..."

Has a past similar to her?

Kong Wei was stunned for a moment, understood something, and said with a smile: "Oh, no, it's not that bad. I mean our experience after joining the company. Because of our strong ability, we quickly took the position of minister and saw you. Now, it’s just like me a few years ago. They only see my success, and they say that I rely on relationships or betrayal of my hue, huh... but they don’t know that I have paid more than them."

Chu Chu was slightly startled.

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