You For Eternity

Chapter 1103: One twin for a lifetime (82)

She didn't comment on Kong Weiwei's matter, and guessed that there was a false element in it. She didn't understand her, so she didn't have the right to discuss her matter.

But now after listening to her, I seem to understand a little bit.

But Chu Chu smiled and said, "Uh...then we are still different. After all, you rely on your own strength, me..."

She scratched her head and said without taboo: "To put it bluntly, she should rely on the backstage."

So about these rumors, she will not be angry, who makes it true?

At first, she felt bad, but then she got used to it, and she also wanted to understand that there is no such thing as absolute fairness in this world. Unfairness may appear everywhere, and I can’t take care of it anymore. Time to take care of other people's affairs?

Let God do things like saving sentient beings.

"You don't need to be modest," Kong Weiwei said, "I have paid attention to your performance since you took office. You are not inferior to others except for insufficient qualifications. To put it bluntly, you just took this position ahead of time. Your qualifications are indeed a bit shallow, but looking at the entire news department, unless you dig people from the outside, there is nothing more suitable than you. Yao Xin is short-sighted and Shen Li does not have such big ambitions. No one is more suitable than you. ."

"Hahaha..." Chu Chu laughed. "Although I don't know if it is true, how come it sounds so comfortable? Anyway, thank you for the compliment."

She didn't want to discuss this with Kong Weiwei in depth, it didn't make much sense.

"Is the truth."

What she didn't expect was that Kong Weiwei seemed to really pay attention to their news department. She even knew the personalities of Yao Xin and Shen Li, and they were just ordinary colleagues.

Looking at it this way, Kong Weiwei was really more powerful than she thought. As for the bad reviews, the strong are jealous, not incomprehensible.

The two almost reached the destination, the high-level club that Chu Chu had visited.

As she unfastened her seat belt, she asked Kong Weiwei: "Who did you meet this time? Why do you want to receive all the ministers and above?"

"I don't know who it is," Kong Weiwei also got out of the car. "I only heard that he is a big man who can't offend him. He can be absent any time, but this time he can't. Isn't it the latest time for the stand director to arrive , I actually came so early this time. The director can't afford to offend, of course we can't."

Kong Weiwei said, his eyes suddenly fell on Chu Chu, and he smiled and said, "Oh, we should say we can't provoke, but you may be an exception."

She understands what she means, is that she has the mayor's father and the president's husband behind her?

"Uh..." Chu Chu laughed dryly, "I still don't mess with it."

So isn't she here?

Plus a little bit of curiosity, what exactly is it, such a big show.

Zhang Yang is walking in the front, and the ministers of them are walking behind. Chu Chu and Kong Weiwei are together, wearing professional formal attire. There are so many people, it looks a lot like that.

This time, the manager of the club came out to entertain himself and greeted Director Zhang. He suddenly saw Chu Chu in the crowd. He went up and said hello, "Why Mrs. Li is here? No one told me in advance. Oh!"

Chu Chu knew that the manager's politeness was definitely not selling his face.

She is a mere mortal, so she doesn't have any face.

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