You For Eternity

Chapter 1107: One twin for a lifetime (86)

Chu Chu didn't dare to insist on being unable to get away for the time being.

She is now forced to leave here, not to mention whether Moni will stop her, he can leave too, where can she go alone? It's better to stay here with the big army, maybe it's safer.

Smiling forcibly, accompany him to finish the meal.

During the dinner, Zhang Yang carefully asked him what he was going to do in Haicheng this time.

The corner of Moni's mouth twitched and said, "It's nothing important. I just passed by here, so I will stop by to see an old friend."

Moni's performance was so obvious that everyone wondered if he had anything to do with Qian Chuchu.

Now that these words made them wonder, this old friend, could it be that Qian Chuchu was talking about?

Even Chu Chu couldn't help but doubt it, talking about her?

"Then, does Master Moni want to go? It's too late today. It's not as good as tomorrow. Zhang will accompany Master Moni wherever he wants to go."

"Um..." Moni drank the red wine and tasted it, and said, "I have a good idea. Director Zhang, would you like to listen."

"Just say it."

"We are all men. It seems that the pictures are a little weird when two big men go to play. Why don't you let the beautiful minister in your station accompany me?"

There are only two so-called beauty ministers, Qian Chuchu and Kong Weiwei.

From all the performance of Moni just now, besides Qian Chuchu, can that person be someone else?

"Okay... OK," Zhang Yang had to say in agreement, "Then who does Master Moni want to accompany him?"

Not to mention Zhang Yang, he also left a way out for himself.

This person was appointed by Master Moni. Even if Qian Chenghai and Li Hengzhi turned their heads to settle the accounts, they would not be looking for him, but Master Moni. He couldn't afford to offend him, could he hide?

"En..." Moni's gaze floated around Chu Chu and Kong Weiwei.

Chu Chu decided that even if he clicked on herself, she could respond temporarily, but she just didn't go. Accompany him alone?

She is not that stupid yet.

"Minister Kong."


Everyone was taken aback.

That's not right... Master Moni doesn't play the cards according to the routine? The previous focus has always been on Qian Chuchu's body, how come it has become Kong Weiwei again?

Kong Weiwei also pointed to herself unexpectedly: "Me?"

"Isn't Minister Kong willing?" Moni asked, "Minister Kong is the most beautiful oriental beauty I have ever seen. It is my honor to be able to travel with such a beauty."

Kong slightly hesitated, "It is my honor to..."

Others helped fight haha, and passed this slightly embarrassing scene perfunctorily.

Chu Chu was stunned for a while and then relaxed. Are you afraid of her embarrassment?

After doing everything **, there is no **, how can I be embarrassed?

They thought too much, even if he deliberately stated that Kong Weiwei was more beautiful than her, she would not care.

Why does he have the final say about their beauty and ugliness?

She was just thinking, what exactly does this Moni want to do?

He couldn't have come all the way from Sun Island to Haicheng with her just to humiliate her.


At the end of the meal, it seemed that this was really just a meal. Moni didn't mention anything important. She didn't pay attention to who paid the bill in the end. It was definitely not Moni anyway.

At this time, Kong Weiwei was gone.

Chu Chu went out of the club with the large group, a dazzling famous car parked in front of them, and Kong Weiwei sat inside.

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