You For Eternity

Chapter 1108: One twin for a lifetime (87)

Chu Chu and his party walked down the steps, the car didn't mean to move away, it seemed that they were waiting for someone.

Zhang Yang and others guessed in their hearts that Master Moni should be waiting for Qian Chuchu, right?

Chu Chu thought the same way, but she would definitely not get in his car.

When she came, she was in Kong Weiwei's car. Now she is in Moni's car herself... She had to turn her head and ask Zhang Yang: "Headmaster, can I go back in your car?"

Zhang Yang is definitely much safer and more reliable than Moni, who is from an unknown source. At the very least, he will not do anything dangerous to her, if he still wants to mix in Haicheng.

"This..." Zhang Yang hesitated, "Everyone has drunk and can't drive anymore."

This means that some of the cars that have been driven before will stay here, and they may not be able to sit down.

But Chu Chu believes that this is not a problem. It is not difficult to find a few people to drive from this club, and the manager will definitely arrange it.

Only Zhang Yang knew that Moni was looking for her, so he found an excuse to decline. They could tell that they didn't want to take her with him, for fear of offending Moni.

It's not that they are not afraid of her father and Li Hengzhi, but that the emperor is far away, and what they can't offend is this important foreign guest who hasn't even figured out the origin.

Living now is far more important than whether we can live in the future.

"Forget it, I can figure it out by myself." Chu Chu didn't force it.

In Moni's car, the driver occupies a seat, the front passenger seat is empty, Moni sits in the middle of the back seat, Monica and Kong Wei sit on each side.

The rear window was half open. Moni suddenly said something to Monica next to him. The door opened and Monica got out of the car, glanced at Chu Chu unhappily, and walked to the passenger seat.

It seemed that Moni vacated the seat next to Chu Chu.

He sat in the car and said to her at a distance: "Minister Kong can no longer drive after drinking. I heard that you came in Minister Kong's car. Why don't you take you along?"

Chu Chu nodded slightly: "Thank you, Master Moni, for your concern. I have already sent a message to my relatives and friends, and someone will pick me up."

In fact, Chu Chu was originally going to call Tong Tong. As soon as he turned on the phone, he remembered that Tong Tong sold the car...

The clubhouse here is relatively hidden. There is no public transportation to get here, and she can't get there without a car.

After thinking about it, there is no one who can find it.

Do you have to worry about it?

If you find Nianxin, Nianxin doesn't know how to drive, so she can only find Erye Bai.

This matter...doesn't you have to alarm Second Master Bai?

Will it be too big to go back home...

Thinking about it this way, Chu Chu was not in a hurry to send a message to Nianxin. When they were all gone, she asked the club again, and the manager would definitely help her arrange it diligently.

"Oh, so be it, drive."

Moni didn't do anything unexpectedly and just drove away like this.

Chu Chu was stunned for not playing cards according to the routine.

Forget it, it's better to go, is she still expecting him to force herself into the car?

Chu Chu turned back to the clubhouse and asked the manager to help arrange a car.

After thinking about Li Hengzhi's instructions before leaving, he silently agreed that the manager would send someone to send her back.

If you continue to drive without a license, you will not be able to escape accountability this time.

In the car, Chu Chu called Tong Tong, but no one answered.

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