You For Eternity

Chapter 1109: One twin for a lifetime (88)

She instead called Gu Yan to confirm that she had not yet returned home.

Gu Yan asked a lot: "What's wrong with my sister?"

"Oh no, I'm outside, and your sister is working overtime. I want to ask if she has gone home. If not, let me ask again."

She also didn't want Gu Yan to worry.

But after Chu Chu hung up the phone, Gu Yan thought for a while, and immediately called Gu Tong. No one answered, frowned.

On the other side, Chu Chu hung up the phone, still feeling uneasy, and glanced at the time.

It's eleven o'clock in the evening...

What work hasn't ended yet?

Or Tongtong already knew that Tianyou was ill, and went to see Tianyou?

Not ruling out this possibility, so Chu Chu called Tianyou again, tested it from the side, and finally proved that Tong Tong was not there.

In other words, Tongtong went out to work, and has not yet returned home.

Although Tong Tong has been a practicing family since he was a child, it is generally not a problem to meet a gangster, but what if there are too many people? as usual……

So even if it was eleven o'clock, I apologized to call Amy, my colleague from the second group, and asked what Tong Tong was doing.

Amy replied strangely: "Ah? I don't know...Tong Tong seems to be busy these past two days, but I don't know what he's doing. It should be a secret mission sent by the team leader? Didn't tell us. "

Secret mission?

In the past few days, her focus has been on the Ye's project. She basically didn't care about other things. The documents sent by Shen Li, Yao Xin and others are still too late to read. What secret mission is the second group doing?

"I see, thank you."

In this way, she could only call Shen Li.

When Shen Li heard that Chu Chu was asking, she did not conceal: "It is a topic we will do next week. Factory X was reported on the sewage problem. I left this task to Tong Tong."

"X factory? Sister Lili, I heard that X factory has a black background...Did you let Tongtong go alone?"

"What? Black background? I don't know? Are you sure? Still rumor?"

"I don't know this!" Chu Chu's tone became tense, "I only know that there is such a statement! No matter what, you can't let Tong Tong go alone! Now no one answers Tong Tong's mobile phone..."

"Hi..." Shen Li was already going to wash and sleep. After hearing what Chu Chu said, she sat up again and scratched her hair, "No way..."

If this is black, how dangerous is Gu Tong as a girl? !

If this were to die, she would be the first to bear the responsibility!

"Let's do this first." Chu Chu didn't say much, and hung up the phone.

Chu Chu turned on the phone to find the number, and patted the driver's seat in front of him: "Brother, please don't go to Xiangshui Bend. Go to the X factory. Do you know where it is? I don't know where I will find the address."


Li Tianyou was lying on the hospital bed with one hand resting on the back of his head. He was bored and didn't know what to do.

I don’t know what happened to Tongtong...

He was so aggressive that day, should he be angry?

He has to think about how to apologize...


The cell phone on the bedside table rang again, and he glanced at it, was it his cousin again?

I just called.

As soon as I picked it up, I said quickly: "God, do you have the contact information for the bodyguards your cousin hired?"

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