You For Eternity

Chapter 1110: One twin for a lifetime (89)

Li Hengzhi hired a lot of bodyguards, and he would take them when he went out to protect his own safety, but there were many in Haicheng.

She can't go alone, in case Tongtong is really in danger, not only can't save her, but she has to go in. The best way is to bring three or five strong men to support the scene.

But the bad thing is that she doesn't have their contact information.

Li Tianyou was taken aback and asked, "What? What do you want a bodyguard to do? Cousin, are you going to fight? You..."

When Li Tianyou thought of his cousin's former little sister-in-law, his mind suddenly got bigger.

"...Almost?" Chu Chu thought, there seemed to be no difference in the nature of the two, "Just say if you have one."

"Yes, yes, I will find it for you later."

"Can't wait, I want it soon!"

"So anxious?" Li Tianyou was stunned, and suddenly thought of something, "Cousin...Is this something related to Tong Tong?"

Chu Chu was also taken aback.

She didn't expect God to guess it now.

He probably noticed something when she tapped from the side.

Chu Chu didn't lie to him anymore, and briefly said the matter.

"Damn..." Li Tianyou sat up all of a sudden, and pulled out the hanging pin on the back of his right hand. "My eldest cousin! I don't want to ask you, don't you plan to tell me?!"

He opened the phone outside, got out of bed quickly, and changed his medical suit.

The other guy said Chuchu: "I'm not going to tell you that, letting you go is better than I go by myself—"

"Cousin, are you still burying me? Even if I don't have three-legged cat kung fu, I am still a man, and I am always stronger than you!"

Since the last time he met the gangster in the middle of the night, he often went to the martial arts gym to learn some skills. Don't even lose the ability to protect his own woman.

"Okay, I'll go there first, you remember to bring a few more people."

"I know I will call them now-wait, don't act rashly, I can't explain to your cousin with little hair!"

"I'm not so stupid to go heads-up!"

Li Tianyou quickly changed his clothes, grabbed his mobile phone and hurriedly walked out, just when he ran into his parents who came to see him.

Li Yunqing grabbed his hand and said, "Where did you go, brat? Are you ill?"

"Dad, I don't have time to tell you so much. I'm fine. I have to go out in a little urgent matter. You go home first!"

Aunt Li said strangely: "What is so anxious? But it seems so alive...should be all right?"

Uncle Li shook his head unclearly: "Perhaps you are in a hurry to find Tongtong to apologize?"

Aunt Li smiled: "That's good, the children are really easy to reconcile."


After finishing the call with Tianyou over there, Chu Chu held the phone and felt that it was wrong.

In case Tongtong really falls into the hands of the Shelter|Black Group, will they have no effect if they go?

Would you like to give Nianxin a phone call and ask Second Master Bai to come with someone?

Chu Chu was thinking in a daze. He raised his head and suddenly realized that the route was wrong, "Brother...this is not the way to the X factory? Are you taking the wrong path?"

"It's here, you have a wrong memory."

"No, this is exactly the opposite direction anyway, don't fool me," Chu Chu immediately became vigilant, "stop."

While talking, Chu Chu had quietly turned on the phone with his fingerprints, glanced down, and entered the alarm number.

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