You For Eternity

Chapter 1125: One twin for a lifetime (104)

"Bai... Second Master Bai?" The man was stunned for a moment, then looked at the most conspicuous person among them, and swallowed, "No... it won't be... Second Master Bai in Jiangchuan, right?"

"Hand over people as soon as you know."

Although there is no evidence to prove that the person in front of you is really the second master Bai, no matter how you look at it, it looks very real!

This man is just a small **** who came here to eat and eat. He didn't want to offend Second Master Bai. He was frightened by Zhan Yanyi. He was not the same as he was just playing haha. He bowed down and said, "Second Master! I'm fine! Those are all orders from Brother Wei!"

This kind of unknown **** doesn't need Bai Yujing to speak, and Zhan Yan will do everything for him.

"I don't care what your brother is! We are not here to kill the vows today, hand over people, and we don't care about the others."

"I really don't know! That girl was taken away by Brother Wei, I'm a messenger! I'm just taking care of the workers here."

"Then call your boss out to me."

The man was embarrassed, as if there was something he couldn't say: "This..."

Zhan Yan directly pushed the gun in his hand and took him a step back: "I have two choices, one, shoot, and find it by yourself. Second, if you don't shoot, you go find it."

The man was already trembling with fright: "Look! I'm looking!"

Of these two choices, is it not obvious which one to choose?

Nianxin gave a compliment: "Zhanyan Oppa, you were so handsome just now!"

Chu Chu saw that Zhan Yan, who was very cold just now, turned his head to Nianxin but looked at him with another respectful appearance: "Miss Nianxin has been awarded."

"No awards, really handsome!"

Bai Yujing frowned and pulled her mind to her side: "Follow me, don't run around."

He doesn't fight an unprepared battle. He knows where this is, there is a certain danger, after all, the bullets have no eyes.

"Oh..." Nianxin grumbled, nodded, and stepped back obediently, standing beside him, holding his cuffs with both hands like a child.



Along with this rush, there was a gunshot immediately.

With a big hand, Bai Yujing stopped Nianxinchuchu and others behind him, and Zhan Yan and others were in a state of fighting at any time.

Chu Chu was actually surprised.

Although this chemical plant has a |black| background, but which plant does everything? Even in the suburbs, are they afraid to attract the attention of the police if they play like this?

She always felt that there was something she didn't know about here.

Nianxin hissed to Chu Chu: "It's dangerous, don't walk around, just stay behind Xiaobai."

"..." Chu Chu was embarrassed, Miss, just take care of yourself...

"Ayan, you take some people to the back door to block, don't let the manager run away."

"Take me to the back door!" Zhan Yan took the **** and picked a few people and turned away.

Chu Chu and Nianxin held hands and hid behind Bai Yujing. At the other end of the aisle, there was a fierce gun battle.

Both nervous and exciting.

How can I usually see this kind of scene? See it on TV...

There was a bit of fear, but because of the presence of Bai Yujing, it made people feel at ease.

Li Tianyou's brows frowned tightly, and Chu Chu saw it, thinking he was losing too much blood, and asked softly, "It's okay, God? Can't hold it anymore?"

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