You For Eternity

Chapter 1126: One twin for a lifetime (105)

"I'm fine," Li Tianyou shook his head, "I was just thinking, what is the background of this factory, so arrogant?"

In fact, he didn't think badly at first. The worst plan was that Tongtong took some pictures that were not conducive to the factory's remarks and was arrested by them. He could do it with just a little money.

But the matter was far more complicated than he thought, and it was even serious enough to kill him, obviously he didn't know anything.

Now he just listens, and he also knows that they have a lot of military|fire. What's the matter, when they enter here, they are so nervous that they can directly fire?

Bai Yujing did not participate in their conversation, watching six directions, listening to all directions, avoiding unnecessary danger.

"I don't know..." Chu Chu also shook his head, "but it must be nothing to provoke. I didn't expect it to be so serious..."

Chu Chu didn't expect it either, even though she was involved in the dark, she didn't even think about losing her life.

"But what we can be sure of is that Tongtong should be fine, but was taken away, just don't know where it took..." Nian Xin analyzed.

The sudden ringing of their cell phone startled them.

Chu Chu quickly hung up when he saw his cell phone.

Gu Yan called it. If she picked it up, he would have heard the gunshots. How could she explain it to him? ?

Chu Chu didn't answer the phone, and Gu Yan sent a message over: Sister Chu Chu, the more I thought about it, the more things went wrong, is there something wrong with my sister? The call is still unreachable.

Chu Chu: It's okay, I have already asked my colleague, I will go to her immediately.

I thought that Gu Yan would not ask any more, but after a while he sent it back: You lie! My sister’s mobile phone appeared near the X factory, which is a suburban area with no residents living within a few kilometers. So the place she is going to is X factory, and your location is very coincident, also near the X factory, a few hundred meters away from my sister, if you are looking for it, you will have found it.

Nianxin has been watching their conversation, was surprised when she saw this, and exclaimed, "How did he know?"

"I almost forgot that he is a computer expert..."

He can find too many things with his fingers at home.

According to the care statement, Tong Tong should not be here anymore.

Her mobile phone was always unanswered. It must have been something she had taken when she was lurking, but she was discovered, so the person and the camera were taken away, and the phone fell to the place where she lurked.

Gu Yan: What happened? Why did my sister go so far?

The gunfire stopped, seems to be over?

Chu Chu followed Bai Yujing and hurriedly gave Gu Yan a voice: It's okay, just wait for me at home.

Gu Yan: But I found something wrong with that factory, Sister Chu Chu, are you really all right there?


"This can be found..." Nian was heartbroken.

Chu Chu: Don't worry, wait for me at home. Second master Bai is here, we must take Tongtong home safely.

I can't hide it.

Gu Yan had already guessed something, it would be futile for her to conceal it.

Gu Yan: Are you...all shot? ?

Crowd: "..."

Nianxin looked around: "How does he know?"

Chu Chu looked up, saw the surveillance camera in the corner, smiled slightly, and waved over there: "Hi..."

It is conceivable that Gu Yan invaded the monitoring system of this X factory...

Bai Yujing's men came back: "Second Lord, it is clean, there is a very suspicious place."

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