You For Eternity

Chapter 1149: One double for a lifetime (128)

So when Nianxin heard these words, she felt as if she had been hit by something, and her hands slipped from him.

Without support, and a little desperate, he sat down on the ground and muttered: "Never ignore me..."

She looked a little sluggish at this time, staring at the empty space on the ground without focusing, as if she was stimulated by his words.

Bai Yujing naturally wanted to stop her, so he said fiercely and fiercely, but he did not expect that Nianxin would react as if she had been abandoned.

This made him feel very uncomfortable, and he regretted that he was speaking seriously.

"I didn't mean now... I mean if you really don't listen to me." Regardless of whether she could listen or not, he tried to explain.

Now, is it too late?

Nianxin was already a performance of being severely wounded, and she bent her knees and rested her chin.


"Then what should I do..." Nianxin's cry interrupted what he was about to say, she raised her head, tearful eyes, "Xiao Bai... tell me what to do..."


No solution.

He definitely couldn't take her.

If he really did that, he would hate himself to death.

Bai Yujing was silent, and Nianxin continued to cry and said: "I know that I am the third person in the eyes of others. I know that I have become the kind of person I hate and shamelessly the most, and I still want to confess myself. Here you are...because I know that you are going to marry Lan Fei soon...and at that time...I was really real, even seeing you more is a luxury...but you don't want me..."

Although she doesn't like the Bai family, isn't it her own mother who caused this result?

She actually hates her mother who destroys other people’s families from the bottom of her heart. She hates her identity more than anyone else, but it is herself...

Now it is slowly becoming her mother's appearance.

This is what makes her most desperate and helpless.

"Nianxin, I really can't—"

"Why can't we? We have come to this point, are we still the last step? We have done what we should not do, and we have fallen in love with what should not be loved. Why can't we accompany me through this last step?" Looking at him with tears, he kept shaking his head and crying, "No one knows...It's me and you, but this time it won't work? I won't tell anyone. Can I die with this secret?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" He gagged her mouth.

He didn’t hold it hard, and she turned her face away, “Little Bai, just once, okay? I’ll forget all this when I leave the Isle of Man. I will be Bai Nianxin, and you will still be your Bai Nianxin. Lord, you will only be my uncle in the future, and I will never think about it anymore. You have fulfilled me, and you will be... the last memorial of our separation, you leave me a thought."

Bai Yujing’s fingers were placed on her cheeks, and his tears were wiped away. His eyes settled down, deep and dark: "Nianxin, I can give you anything, but this memorial, I can’t give it. I have never told you, you It's my salvation, I can't turn it into a sin. I can't hurt you. If there's another life, I'll go to you and hope I'm not your uncle anymore. Obedient, okay?"

"Next life..." Nianxin said these three words, already heartache like a knife, "Not good...not good..."

She buried her knees and howled.

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