You For Eternity

Chapter 1150: One double for a lifetime (129)

the next day.

When Bai Yujing woke up, Nian Xin was in his arms.

They woke up in the same bed again, the same thing was that they still did nothing.

Nianxin cried for a long time last night, and his heart was broken by crying, and he couldn't coax it no matter how much. She begged him to make her so humble, his heart was broken into tens of thousands, and he insisted on not agreeing to her.

Finally, she was tired of crying and fell asleep in his arms.

What can he do?

Does he feel better than her?

Whether it is physically or mentally, he has suffered to varying degrees.

He even had to endure more distress and dissatisfaction towards Nianxin.

Over the past few days, he has been driven crazy by his own contradictory psychology, and his brain has never been swelled.

The headache has not recurred for many years, and it has started again just recently.

He looked at the person in his arms, his eyes were full of compassion and love, the tears in the corner of her eyes were already dry, she cried many times at night, he slept in a daze, as if he felt the tremor in his arms.

Nianxin, I don't want it either.

After a while, Nianxin woke up. She opened her red and swollen eyes and looked up. There were also bloodshot eyes in her eyes. She obviously did not sleep well.

Nianxin looked at Bai Yujing's eyes with a bit of pity, even though she didn't speak, he felt uncomfortable when she saw him.

He opened his mouth, and his hoarse voice was just three words: "I'm sorry."

After a night, Nianxin's excitement had already calmed down.

Last night, she broke the jar, didn't care about anything, didn't care about anything, she was crazy.

Hu Chuanzhang did not eventually exchange his compromise.

So, she compromised.

Waking up this morning, it was the new world.

She retracted her gaze, jumped into Bai Yujing's arms, hugged him tightly, pressed her face to his chest, and said, "I'm sorry..."

Bai Yujing was taken aback.

Without waiting for his question, she already answered: "I was the only one who made mistakes from the beginning to the end. I fell in love with you, and it was me who dragged you down this muddy water and made you feel distressed. You just stick to it. You are not wrong. You don’t need to apologize to me. I suddenly scorned and ridiculed. I’m sorry...I won’t be anymore..."

After the trouble last night, she won't make another trouble.

One time is enough, she already knows his attitude, and the moral wall in his heart cannot be shaken by her.

What's more, there will be no chance in the future.

Now they are still unmarried couples, she still has a fluke mentality in her heart, but in the future they will be real couples, and she...

I don't want to become the kind of woman like my mother.

Bai Yujing rubbed her hair: "Don't apologize to me. With me, you will never be wrong."

Nianxin raised her head and tried to squeeze a smile: "You said you would take me to a place today, right?"

"Yes. I will take you there after dinner."


After dinner, she cleaned up and dressed herself.

In the future, she has no power to change. After all, she knows that even without Lan Fei, they cannot be together.

The gap between them was not originally Lan Fei.

She took a deep breath, let her live with him in the two-person world for a while, and cherish the time together.

Twenty minutes before departure, she rummaged through the room again, but still couldn't find the phone.

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