You For Eternity

Chapter 1151: One double for a lifetime (130)

She cried like that last night, and she naturally forgot to look for her mobile phone, but she still didn't see her mobile phone. She felt a little strange.

The good ones disappeared...

She went out from the room and wanted to find Bai Yujing and ask her cell phone to make a call.

She guessed that Xiaobai should be in the study, but she went to the study and found that she did not.

So she went downstairs, the living room and kitchen were empty.

It's strange...Where will you go?

Without a mobile phone, she could only act as a human flesh search machine, walking around the villa, and suddenly, she seemed to hear a voice, Xiaobai's voice!

Finally found! It seems to be talking to someone.

When Nianxin wanted to go out, she suddenly heard a name that made her stop.

"What did Lan Fei say."

Lan Fei...

Who is Xiaobai calling?

Since he asked, that person must not be Lan Fei.

"I know."


"No. Since I agree, I will marry her. But at the same time, brother, at the same time, Nianxin's marriage must be suppressed and not considered for a short time."

! ! !

Nianxin's heart was shocked.

The person speaking with him is his father...

Although it was already known news, but she didn't know why, she felt like she had knocked over a five-flavored bottle, and she was a mess.

"Nianxin? I don't know, it's probably with her sister-in-law, I'm not in Haicheng."

Xiaobai actually lied...

Nianxin leaned on the pillar, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Xiaobai hardly lied.

"It's nothing, I didn't take anyone if I wanted to relax."

Bai Yujing's words are in line with common sense.

Bai Yuming thought that he had forced the younger brother too tightly, and the marriage had been advanced. It was inevitable that he wanted to go out for a walk, so he didn't think much about it.

"Brother, in the last week, can't you give me freedom? I don't want to hear the name Lan Fei again."

Nianxin was taken aback.

What they said later, she didn't even listen to it.

Fearing to be discovered, she left hastily.

What "last week"...?

She sat on the sofa and kept thinking about that sentence.

In addition, I don't want to hear the words of Lan Fei's name. The meaning of the last week is that their wedding date has been advanced to next week? !

This is the guess closest to the meaning of that sentence that she can think of!

She was a little dazed...

Thinking in another direction, it is precisely because he will be married to Lan Fei next week that he will bring her to the Isle of Man so suddenly, and no one has brought her, making these two days belong to them only. world?

At that time, Nianxin was leaning on the sofa, biting her nails, thinking dazedly.

I feel so stuck.

Next month, or next week, there is actually no difference in essence, because that will not change the fact that Lan Fei is about to become her little aunt.

What's different if it is delayed until next month...

But why...

Nianxin closed her eyes, as if something was rolling in her heart.

Why is it just early, she is so uncomfortable...

Because that means that the day when she completely loses Xiaobai is near?

"What are you in a daze?" Bai Yujing's voice came into her brain.

Nianxin regained consciousness, pretending that nothing happened, and smiled: "No, proper emptying is good for body and mind."

Bai Yujing could see that her smile was a little strange, but he couldn't tell what it was, so he didn't think about it.

"Let's go, go out."

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