You For Eternity

Chapter 1162: One double for a lifetime (141)

"No!" Nianxin broke into the door.

They should block thoughts.

But everyone was indifferent.

Because they knew that the only people who dared to defy and could defy the Bai and Erye were their Miss Nianxin.

They don't know what will happen to Master Bai, but the second master, who has always cared for Miss Nianxin, will at least not blame her for it.

Bai Yujing, who was kneeling stiffly, stiffened obviously after hearing this sound.

He turned his head and glanced at Nianxin at the entrance of the ancestral hall. His voice was deep and he commanded: "Get out!"

Nianxin would certainly not listen to him, and ran into the ancestral hall.

"Stop her!" Bai Yujing gave an order.

Zhan Yanyuan wanted to let Nianxin go crazy, maybe he could save the second master for a while, but he ordered it, no matter how he didn't want it, he could only execute it, and stopped her: "Miss Nianxin, don't pass, second master's order. "

"Zhan Yan, you let me go! He will kill Xiao Bai!"

Zhan Yan frowned.

So what?

That's Lord Bai...

In fact, they all understood that no matter what, Lord Bai would not really take the life of the second master, but once he did it, it would be unclear if there was half his life left.

Those present did not want to see Erye suffer such a crime.

Bai Yuming took the cane from one person, glanced at Nianxin, and said angrily: "Not only will I kill Xiaojing, you dare to come here, I will kill you together! It saves you two and loses. Our Bai family!"

As Bai Yuming fiercely fell a cane on Bai Yujing's bare back, Nianxin shook her whole body, shrinking her neck and closing her eyes.

Very loud.

The muffled sound of the cane falling on him can spread to the outside of the house.

Looking at Bai Yujing again, he was beaten forward by that force for an instant, but he straightened up again soon.

She obviously didn't hit her, but when she stood two meters away and looked like this, she felt that her heart seemed to be caught by a magic hand, and the pain was suffocating.

State-owned and national laws, the family has family rules, and the Bai family does not have any specific family rules, but this matter of Bai Yujing and Nianxin, let alone the Bai family, can't be tolerated and accepted by any family.

Bai Yuming started, and said: "Xiaojing, the eldest brother pulled you from the baby in the swaddle to such a big age, has he treated you badly?"

Bai Yujing gritted his teeth and replied after a while: "No."

As soon as the voice fell, another rattan fell.

It's impossible not to hurt.

He was not beaten by iron, not to mention that all this time, he fell on the place where he had been injured, and the pain was doubled. But he endured, neither dodge nor dodge, nor say a word.

This is also...

He punishes himself.

"Don't hit..." With tears streaming down her thoughtful face, she clutched Zhan Yan's arm tightly, crying, "Please stop hitting... Xiao Bai will die..."

After a while, Bai Yujing's back could not be seen, old injuries and new punishments were added.

Nianxin's plea did not exchange Bai Yuming's softness, but instead promoted anger.

"Then why are you doing this!" It fell on his back several times stronger than before, "She is my daughter! Your niece! My niece! Do you know what you are doing?!"

"Cough..." Bai Yujing bent his body and finally couldn't help coughing, "I know."

"I will not beat her, because I have greater expectations of you, and you are the pillar of our Bai family's future! But what have you done behind my back!? You unexpectedly and her..."

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