You For Eternity

Chapter 1163: One twin for a lifetime (142)

"I'm sorry..." Bai Yujing said, "I'm sorry for my big brother, I'm sorry for the Bai family, and I'm sorry for Nianxin."

"Xiaobai..." Nianxin cried until she choked, clutching Zhan Yan's hand, "Don't look at it... Save Xiaobai..."

Everyone frowned, and no one felt comfortable.

Zhan Yan shook his head at him.

Don't they want to save it? They just want to see the second master suffer such a crime under the hands of Bai Ye?

They can't.

That is not only the order of the white master, but also the second master's, they can't disobey.

"I know I'm sorry why you are doing this!" Bai Yuming's mood at this time is unspeakable, anger, sadness, disappointment, all kinds of emotions are tangled together, "She is young and sensible, are you young!?"

It fell heavily again.

"Cough..." Bai Yujing bent his body, pressed one hand on the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, staining the light-colored kneeling pad in front of him.

Public:! ! !

Someone's body moved halfway and was forced back by Zhan Yan's eyes.

"Xiao Bai!!" Nian Xin screamed out the name, her eyes widened, "Dad-don't fight... please don't fight..."

Nianxin rarely calls him, but at this moment nothing matters. She even knelt down and looked at Bai Yujing who had coughed up blood over there, crying and begging: "Dad, I was wrong... I was really wrong... Don't beat Xiaobai anymore... You will kill him. ...It was my fault...It was me who seduced Xiaobai, he was not wrong...It was all my fault, I was not good...You can spare Xiaobai, I will never dare anymore...Woo... …"

Bai Yujing bent over, pressed one hand to his chest, and slowly closed his eyes.

At that moment, not only the physical pain, but also the heart.

Nianxin's crying sounded like a slash in his heart.

"It's not Nianxin," he coughed, and slowly stood up again. "It's me. I induced her, it has nothing to do with Nianxin. She is young and she doesn't know anything."

"No..." Nianxin kept shaking her head and looking in his father's direction anxiously and said loudly, "He is lying! I always like him unilaterally. I threatened him with Xiaobai's handle. He didn't Wrong, dad don’t believe it, don’t hit him again, I beg you..."

She whimpered, her teary eyes dim: "I swear...I will never go crazy again, let him go..."

"You go out."

Everyone except Zhan Yan was driven out by Bai Yuming, and the ancestral hall was closed tightly.

Bai Yuming didn't know when there was a black pistol in his hand, fired it, loaded it, and finished it in one go, while the muzzle was facing Bai Yujing's temple.

Zhan Yan:! ! !

"Master Bai!!" Zhan Yan couldn't help himself.

"Xiaobai!!!" Nianxin was even more flustered and her voice trembled, "Dad...Dad, please don't...Xiaobai is innocent... He is not wrong... He is not going to die! The wrong person is me. !"

It was at this time that Nianxin broke through Zhan Yan's defense and rushed over.

Bai Yujing could feel the trajectory of her movement, and the hand stretched back quickly clasped her wrist. His voice was calm and serious: "Go back!"

He is not afraid of death, but he can't let her suffer any harm.

Nianxin was detained by him, unable to move forward, but did not go back: "I will not go back! If you die here today, I will accompany you!"

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