You For Eternity

Chapter 1178: One double for a lifetime (157)

Chu Chu listened to the noise of their young couple, did not take it to heart, smiled and picked up things, ready to get off work later.

How can Li Tianyou really be interesting to her?

Furthermore, whose man asked the cheating in front of his wife? That's also strange enough.

Gu Tong glanced at Chu Chu, smiled, and asked over there: "You kid has something, why are you looking for Chu Chu? It's not enough for me like Gu Tong to see you? I have a big appetite."

They talked nonsense, and Chu Chu didn't listen carefully. Later, he heard Gu Tong say: "Okay, let me help you ask. Although my husband is not around, he may not have time to talk to you. ——Chu Chu Beautiful lady, Li Tianyou asks if you have anything to do after get off work later."

"What are you doing?"

"Let you accompany me to see him."

Chu Chu also joked: "So greedy? Two people are going to add money."

"Have you heard?" Gu Tong replied truthfully, "I need more money."

Li Tianyou was embarrassed, and said perfunctorily: "I'll add it, then you come here after work."

After they finished talking, Gu Tong brought up the information again.

"then you……"

Chu Chu looked at the empty space in front of him, his eyes were a little empty: "I will go to the Honor Group tomorrow, and ask again."

"All right..." Gu Tong nodded, "Then I'll go and clean up first, and I will come to you later."

"Huh?" Chu Chu was taken aback for a moment, "Are you really going?"

She thought it was their young couple joking with her.

It's not that I don't want to see God, how could she be a light bulb?

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Tong immediately changed his gossip face and said with a smile, "You really have an appointment? Okay, Chu Chu? It's going to be miserable if you turn your head back."

"...Go away!"

Gu Tong put away his joking face: "Well, if you have something, forget it. If it's okay, just follow me to see. I don't know what Li Tianyou wants to do."

"Okay, I'll send the materials." Thinking of what I was going out to do, I went out with Gu Tong.

Suddenly an uninvited guest came from the department, Kong Weiwei.

She was asking someone outside where Gu Tong was, and the person pointed her to the office where she wanted to speak. By coincidence, Gu Tong and Chu Chu came out from inside, and several people met their sights.

Gu Tong only vaguely heard his name, and asked, "Sister Vivi is looking for me?"

Obviously he heard her own name, but Kong Weiwei's eyes fell on Chu Chu who was beside her. Others may think she is watching her, but she knows that Kong Weiwei's sight is not on her.

As the client, Chu Chu certainly knew she was looking at herself.

In that case, it is quite embarrassing. Afterwards, you will be uncomfortable if you raise your head in the stage and not see it when you lower your head.

This is difficult to handle.

She pretended that she hadn't seen it, but the look in Kong Weiwei's eyes was a little weird these few times; if she specifically told her that she would not talk too much, she would be afraid of her thinking.

"Sister Vivi?"

Kong Weiwei returned to his senses, holding a document in his hand, and said with a smile: "I'm here to announce the good news. You made a contribution this time, and after a discussion at the high-level meeting this morning, it was decided that you would take over the editing of the second group. Shen Li, I will leave after this month."

There was a sigh in the department.

It turned out that Shen Li was pregnant. After all considerations, she decided to give up her career and return to her family. On the second group, everyone was "punishing" Shen Li's sudden resignation, and she blamed her for not being able to tell.

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