You For Eternity

Chapter 1179: One double for a lifetime (158)

"Me?" Gu Tong was also taken aback for a moment, "I seem to be...not enough seniority?"

According to seniority, Gu Tong is naturally not enough, she only joined this year.

"Insufficient qualifications, talents. You did a good job this time, and you are very optimistic about you leading the second group to set new records."

Under the noise of others, Gu Tong also smiled and nodded: "Then...I'll be more respectful than fate? I beg you to tell Vivi on her behalf, thank you for the trust of the organization! Gu Tong, I must go to the sword and the fire--"

She was knocked by Chu Chu.

What sword mountain to go up, what fire to go down!

She wants to go back to the incident, can that work?

Just get a job, do you want to work so hard?

Before Kong left slightly, he and Chu Chuduo looked at each other. But she didn't say anything, and left when no one else could see anything.

Gu Tong had sharp eyes and asked her quietly: "You two really didn't have a conflict that night? Why do I feel weird..."

Chu Chu hesitated to speak but stopped: "Nothing."

Although Tong Tong is her friend, if she had told her, she would definitely not tell anyone else. But this kind of thing is related to the reputation of others, so she should hide it in her stomach.


Haicheng Hospital.

Chu Chu bought a basket of fruit and sent him over, and said in a joke: "I will go later and ask your wife to peel it for you, so I won't disturb the world of you two."

"Who is going to peel him off! He doesn't break his hands, he wants to be beautiful!"

Li Tianyou did not respond to her words: "Thank you sister-in-law for your understanding."

"You asked me to come here. Is there anything wrong? Is it because of your cousin?"

"Cousin?" Li Tianyou looked strange, and glanced at Gu Tong, "What happened to my cousin? Didn't he go on a business trip?"

"Oh..." It's not that, making her think.

"But speaking of my cousin, I sent him an injured zhaobo sympathy, he ignored me, cousin, you two are not quarreling, are you cousin in a bad mood? Then you have to remind me , If I accidentally provoke him, he will screw me when he comes back!"

"No, he is very busy."

"Oh..." Li Tianyou nodded, "I don't have a big deal... But ah, I was talking to my dad today, and vaguely heard my mom talking about marriage to him—"

Before Li Tianyou finished speaking, Gu Tong was drinking water and was choked: "Marriage?"

Chu Chu covered his smile, how fresh, Li Tianyou is not young anymore, it is reasonable to talk about marriage.

"It's not our marriage." He explained.

Gu Tong glanced away: "I didn't say it was ours... Besides, I didn't say I want to marry you."

"Okay, Tongtong, you can't run, don't be stubborn." Chu Chu, who couldn't stand it, squeaked for help.

"Sister-in-law loves me!" Li Tianyou said contentedly, frowning slightly, "I seem to hear Nianxin's name."

"Nianxin?" Chu Chu suddenly widened his eyes, "Are you sure you heard, marriage, nianxin, these keywords??"

"I'm sure. When I asked, my dad turned the subject off."

Wait... Chu Chu's brain was running fast.

Nianxin's marriage?

Who is she married to? Second Lord Bai?

Impossible... How could the Bai family allow it.

"Who to marry?"

Li Tianyou shook his head: "That's why I called you here and want to discuss with you. I called Nianxin, but I couldn't get through. I don't know anyone in Jiangchuan. Sister-in-law, you haven't had a relationship with Erye Bai. Do you have any friendship? Can you ask him?"

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