You For Eternity

Chapter 1193: One double for a lifetime (172)

"Second Lord!" Luo Xing was startled, "Of course I followed the Second Lord! Luo Xingsheng is the second Lord's person, and death is the second Lord's ghost, and I will never betray."

"You only have one chance."

He wouldn't blame him for concealing things from him, after all, the purpose of allowing Luo Xing to hide things from him is certainly not bad.

"..." Luo Xing didn't dare to conceal any more, "Miss going to marry Lan Ye. Lord Bai's decision. We dare not tell you, just for fear that you will stop it regardless of your body."

"Today?!" He turned around, his eyes becoming angry.

"present day……"

"I will pack you up when I come back!"

Such an important matter, even if he is unconscious, should tell him, that is definitely the motivation for him to wake up soon! They dare to hide from him!

"Second Lord!"

Bai Yujing grabbed Luo Xing's key, and Luo Xing rushed to catch up.

"Second Lord, let me see you there. It is not convenient for you to drive."

Things are already like this, can Luo Xing stop him?

If he can't, he will be sent to him personally, and he will support all the decisions of the second master now.

Even if it is to **** relatives, he has to help.

Bai Yujing sat in the passenger seat and called Bai Yuming, he wanted to stop the marriage anyway!

But the older brother didn't answer his phone.

Bai Yujing was a little annoyed and smashed the Bluetooth.

Anxious, that is his current mood.

In a short period of time, he has cleared up some things.

Grandpa definitely didn't know about this. Nianxin must be unwilling to marry Lan Ye, then... he was unconscious and her brother was not in Haicheng, how helpless she was...

He never expected that his eldest brother would make such a decision!

Luo Xing sat in the driver's seat and called his subordinates: "Where are you now? What?!"

There was anxious talk to Luo Xing, Luo Xing's face suddenly became ugly.

"What happened?"

"Second Lord..." Luo Xing looked at him and said, "We... don't have to go there."

"What do you mean??"

Luo Xing swallowed, "Miss Nianxin is coming to the hospital..."


Chu Chu was shocked when he heard the news of Nian Heartbeat, and changed to the hospital from the original route to go directly to the church.

Along the way, her face was pale and her heart was too confused.

She continued to call Li Hengzhi, but still nowhere.

Answer the phone, idiot! Your sister is at stake!

Why is Nianxin so stupid!

When they arrived, there were many people outside the operating room.

Bai Yuming's people initially prevented Chu Chu and the others from approaching the operating room, but Zhan Yan saw it and let them in.

"How is Nianxin?" Chu Chu asked.

Zhan Yan shook his head: "I don't know...It's still being rescued."

"How could she jump off the car? Didn't you find anything wrong?"

"It's my fault..." Zhan Yan was full of guilt, "I should have discovered something wrong with her sooner! It's me..."

If Miss Nianxin has a long life and two shortcomings, the Bai family can't stay anymore, and he will apologize with death!

Alive, there is no such face to see the second master.

"Is there enough blood?" Ye Yunshen asked.

Zhan Yan nodded: "You don't need President Ye, you donated blood to Miss Nianxin not long ago, which is not good for your health. We are all here, not every time it happens."

At this moment, Chu Chu and the others had no other way to do it.

She is still calling Li Hengzhi, if Nianxin is unable to return to heaven this time, he will definitely regret it.

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