You For Eternity

Chapter 1194: One double for a lifetime (173)

Li Yunyan was crying outside the emergency room, yelling "How could this be so, why can't I think so", Bai Yuming yelled to quiet her.

Bai Yujing has been standing motionless somewhere, occasionally coughing a few times for physical reasons.

Luo Xing has been by Bai Yujing's side, observing his physical condition. His injury is still not healed, and he can smell the blood on his body nearby. It should be too agitated and bleeding from the wound.

In this case, you should treat the wound immediately, or sit and take a break, but no one can persuade you.

Luo Xing wanted to help him, and he opened his hand. Looking over, Luo Xing made him sweat.

The second master now has a hostile spirit that cannot be touched easily.

He sneered: "Why are you crying now?"

He was talking about Li Yunyan.

"When you forced her, didn't you think you would kill her?"

"Xiaojing, don't say it." Bai Yuming made him shut up in a serious tone.

"Why don't you tell me? Our Bai family...what a Bai family, will it become the first family in Jiangchuan to kill her daughter? The Bai family..." Bai Yujing's eyes were red, and he raised his head and smiled.

He seldom laughed in front of everyone, but in the only time he brought so many acne and ridicule.

"I used to think that what the Bai family did was right, even if it made me give my life for it, I was willing to do it. But this time, I hate it...Who let you touch the person I cherish the most? "

Seeing all this, Chu Chu was a little confused, could it be...

Zhan Yan seemed to see her question, and said softly: "Mrs. Li should also know about the affairs between Miss Nianxin and the second master."

Chu Chu was taken aback: "Could it be..."

"Yes, it's exposed," Zhan Yan said, "So Master Bai wants to marry Miss Nianxin to Lan Ye, while the second master is unconscious. But none of us would have thought that Miss Nianxin would choose this path...I She should have known it a long time ago. She had done the same thing before, when the second master rescued her back. I thought she should be healed for so many years, but I didn't expect...the demon was actually still in her heart."

Ye Yunshen didn't know what had happened before, but he was observing all this, even though he was not sure of anything in his heart, he felt that it should be like that.

If it is what he thinks, it is really fate.

He couldn't help but sneer.


Have you always liked teasing people?

"Big brother... I will return the Bai family to you..."

As soon as Bai Yujing said, everyone was stunned.

"Second Lord!!"

They knew the importance of Miss Nianxin to the second master, but how could they have thought that the second master...

"Xiaojing!!" Bai Yuming yelled, "Do you know what you are talking about?!"

"I know," Bai Yujing was laughing, not knowing whether he was laughing at himself or Bai's family, "I should have promised her... She begged me so many times, took her away, and took her to a place no one knew. Our place, but I refused her time and time again. For the Bai family, for the brothers who have been with me for many years, for the love, for the estrangement in my own heart, I consistently refused her request. I If she agrees to her, she won't be this far. I, Bai Yujing, can't even protect the person I cherish the most, so what else can I talk about protecting the Bai family and protecting you who follow me?"

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