You For Eternity

Chapter 1200: One double for a lifetime (179)

Ye Yunshen found that she was crying and laughing, which looked particularly distressing.

He raised his hand, trying to wipe away the tears for her, when a voice sounded: "Chu Chu!"

It's Gu Tong.

Gu Tong walked towards them, deliberately crossed between Chu Chu and Ye Yunshen, fending off them. Just when he was about to say something, she realized that her eyes were red: "What's wrong with Chu Chu? Could it be..."

She turned her head and stared at Ye Yunshen angrily: "You made Chu Chu cry? What did you do?"

Chu Chu grabbed Gu Tong's hand, hugged her, choked up: "Tong Tong...the heart is dead..."

Gu Tong, who was fiercely facing Ye Yunshen, was stunned: "What did you say?"

Chu Chu endured all the way, only with red eyes, but at the moment he saw Gu Tong, he finally cried: "Nianxin is dead... Good people... just disappeared..."

"..." Gu Tong was dazed, how could this be...

Isn't it... married? How could he die?

Judging from Gu Tong's reaction, the Li family in Haicheng still had no idea about this.

If Li Tianyou and Uncle and Aunt knew about this, they wouldn’t know what would happen...

Ye Yun said deeply: "Send her back first."

"No need...My brother is here too, we just accompany her back... Qianyi is also at our house."

"You are welcome, I will drive you over."

Arriving downstairs in Gu Tong's apartment, Ye Yunshen knew that they didn't want to see him, and didn't insist on giving it away. He just said, "Comfort her more, I'm leaving."

"Oh...oh!" Gu Tong reacted and greeted him, "Thank you, goodbye..."

Could it be that she has saved a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart?

Ye Yunshen is no longer obsessed?

Because it was not too late, Qianyi was still sitting in the living room, playing with his own little research. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he said without raising his head: "I'm back at last."

Chu Chu lowered his head and said nothing, afraid that Qianyi would see something.

Gu Tong helped and said: "Yes, you are back, your mommy is a little tired, I will send her back to the room to rest first."

Qianyi raised his head at this moment, "Mommy?"

Chu Chu was about to walk into the room in a hurry, but Qianyi carefully saw it, and quickly got up and ran over, stopping in front of her.

Those eagle-like eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Chu Chu from the bottom up. Chu Chu wanted to avoid, Qianyi observed from all angles without giving up, and pointed out sharply: "Qianxiaotao, you are crying."

Gu Tong played haha ​​on the side: "Why is it crying, it's cold outside, blow-dry eyes..."


After speaking, she also felt that this reason was really bad! How could it be possible to fool our cute and smart President Qian?

Gu Tong laughed dryly and scratched the back of his head.

Qianyi pulled Chuchu's hand: "Come here."

Chu Chu was pulled onto the sofa by Xiao Qianyi and sat down. He crawled into her arms and threw into her arms. His two little hands went around the back and hugged her, patted her body and comforted her. Stop crying, there is still me."

Chu Chu laughed out of nowhere. She hugged the child tightly, touched his head, nodded and said, "I know, there are also our Qianyi baby. No matter what happens, my little baby will stay with me. ."

Gu Tong smiled and sat down, "I'm so envious, there is such a baby."

"Sister, it's fine if you have a brother-in-law." Gu Yan will not oppose her and Li Tianyou.

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