You For Eternity

Chapter 1201: One double for a lifetime (180)

Doing the ideological work of their mother again, this matter will be settled.

Gu Tong ignored his "brother-in-law" and said, "I think! But Li Tianyou doesn't have the kind of mind like Li Da, and I don't have such a clever head as Chu Chu. We two... How can we give birth to Qianyi Baby? Such a clever little guy, we are going to give birth to a little fool..."

"Puff......" Chu Chu burst into laughter, "How can you say that to your child."

"Eh..." Gu Tong's head turned, "Chief, if I give birth to a son, I will be your little brother in the future. You can take him whatever you do so that he can eat food. Then if I am a child As for a daughter, you marry her! Ah? It's in the godmother's face!"

Li Hengzhi is not related to the Li family, so Gu Tong and Li Tianyou's children can really be paired with Qianyi.

But it’s a bit early, right?

"Gu Tong, can you get pregnant first? Is there a mother who doesn't care about your child so much?"

"What I'm saying is true..." Gu Tong scratched his head, "I'm not smart, my genes are not good... I'm particularly worried."

Qianyi turned his head to Gu Tong, looked at Gu Tong and said, "Godmother, I don't like little fools. I want to marry someone like my mommy, smart and beautiful."

"Tsk tsk... it's sour to me!" Gu Tong grunted, "Smelly thousand one, I remember it! If I have a daughter in the future, I will never marry you!"

"Where and where..." Chu Chu glanced at her, "Things you are thinking about at the age of twenty-five, you worry about it now. Our baby Qianyi is not yet five years old."

"You know it's not fifteen years old? Based on your family's genes for premature love..." Gu Tong narrowed his eyes slightly.




I thought that the topic had already been broken, but who knew that Qianyi still didn't forget, hugged her, and asked seriously: "Did he still want you in the end?"

"Puff...nothing, smart, don't guess if it's okay."

"Then why haven't you come back? It's almost the Chinese New Year. I'm not coming back. See you next year? Also, why are you crying?"

"One by one," Chu Chu said, "children don't need to know everything about adults. Dad will come back, trust mom and dad."

"Um..." Qianyi frowned as if embarrassed. "But it was said on TV that the words of men are believable, and sows will go up the tree. I don't believe men."


Gu Tong smiled and Chu Chu was embarrassed.

Baby, what the **** is your experience that seems to have been on more than once!

I really can't stand this little adult!

Being disturbed by Qian Yiyi, Chu Chu didn't even feel sad.


The New Year is almost coming, Hengzhi, are you not coming back?

I haven't come back for the New Year, Qianyi here, I don't know how to make it round.


For a week, there is still no news about Bai Yujing and Nianxin.

This seemingly evaporating result makes everyone feel uneasy.

I want to see people when I live, and corpses when I die, but there is nothing.

Apart from being quiet, Bai's family is still quiet.

Bai Yuming played with Wei Yang in the yard, Zhan Yan reported back and shook his head: "Master Bai."

"Still not found?"

"I can't find it, and I have searched it in the surrounding cities. I searched it and I couldn't find it. Unless..."

"Unless already dead?" Bai Yuming said these words himself.

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