You For Eternity

Chapter 1203: One double for a lifetime (182)

Although no one of them was found, Bai Yuming's last insistence was gone.

Even grandpa didn't come to see him for the last time, there still a possibility of being alive?

In fact, everyone had guessed that he said so decisively that day, leaving with thoughts...Where does he have the desire to live?

He left and died far away, so they might still think that he was still alive, and there was no definite news.


Are you so cruel, leaving the entire Bai family behind?

Come back...

Wei Young didn't understand anything, so she knelt in front of the spiritual position and worshipped for several times according to Bai Yuming's teaching.

Seeing grandpa crying, she couldn't help crying, "Grandpa doesn't's not fun here..."

There was a vast expanse of white everywhere, she didn't like it here.

"Better, I will send them away tomorrow."

Wei Young blinked, not understanding.

The haggard Li Yunyan sat aside and kept talking about how this could happen. This year, the Bai family was just like being lowered. The beginning of the year was fine. Why did it become like this on the last day?

Bai Yuming seemed to be getting older all night and hugged Wei Young. "Nun, you will be the only one in the Bai family."

Wei Young couldn't understand, and after a while he asked again, where's mother? Where's Xiao Bai?

He couldn't tell her, no, no more...

This home is completely gone.


This year, the Haicheng Li family was not doing very well.

Aunt Li was preparing the New Year's Eve dinner in the evening, but from time to time she wandered, holding a kitchen knife in a daze in the kitchen.

Li Tianyou, who was discharged from the hospital, has been at home for a few days. He went to the kitchen and found that his condition was not good. He took the kitchen knife and put it down, "Mom, how do you cook like this? Tong said."

"Okay..." Aunt Li nodded and sighed.

They finally found out that Nianxin had died. The atmosphere at home has not been very good these days.

If it weren't for seeing the Tongtong family, no one would have thought about it this year.

After such a thing, what years will pass?

"Let's go." Li Tianyou didn't comfort him.

He also lost his cousin, and he felt no better than his parents.

In the car, Aunt Li still felt sad after thinking about it, and she burst into tears: "You said that this is a good person... how can you say that if you don’t have it, you are gone... Mindfulness is like my daughter, there is no difference... …This……"

Uncle Li couldn't help saying: "Okay, for the New Year, don't talk about it, I will meet with Tong Tong's family later, make a joke, clean up."

They first went to the restaurant and reported the location to Tongtong.

Gu Tong and Gu Yan were taken to the restaurant by coaxing their mother.

As soon as Mother Gu saw the exterior decoration of the restaurant, she insisted on not going in, " must be too expensive! Why do we have to come out to eat? Is it good to go home? Don’t waste this money, you two can How much do you earn!"

"Oh mom, I have issued year-end awards, many, many, you can still afford to have such a meal, let's go!"

At any rate, the two people pulled and held the ground and finally brought their mother to the designated box.

As soon as the door opened, everyone in the Li family stood up to greet.

Mother Gu was stunned, looking at her children: "You..."

Li Tianyou went to greet him personally: "Auntie, I told Tong Tong to hide from you. I was afraid that you would not agree to come over, so I used this method."

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