You For Eternity

Chapter 1204: One double for a lifetime (183)

Gu's mother is not the kind of woman who doesn't know how to be polite, turning her head and leaving impolitely at this time.

Mother Gu went over and sat down, sitting aside with her children, and Li Tianyou's family sat opposite them.

The two families sat face to face, and at first no one spoke, a little embarrassed.

At this time, Gu Tong and Li Tianyou did the work of the hot spot, chatting and making some slurs.

After ordering the order, I talked gossip.

Suddenly, Aunt Li lost her mind. Mother Gu didn't see her reaction after saying a word, and looked at her daughter with a little doubt.

Gu's mother could feel that the Li family on the other side seemed absent-minded today, as if something was on his mind.

Uncle Li gave a clear cough and brought Aunt Li's attention back.

Aunt Li returned to her senses and gave a dry smile: "I'm sorry, today... I'm in a bad mood, I'm always distracted, don't be surprised, eat quickly, the dishes are cold."

"Eh..." Mother Gu replied, "I'm going to the bathroom, you eat first."

Gu Tong immediately stood up and said, "Mom, you don't know where the bathroom is, I'll go with you!-Uncle and aunt, you eat first, I'll accompany my mother."

"Okay, you go."

He was not embarrassed leaving Gu Yan sitting alone.

Li Tianyou said: "Gu Yan, is the food not enough? Let's go out and order something? You must know what auntie likes to eat."

"no need--"

"Let's go, you are welcome." Li Tianyou pulled Gu Yan out.

There was nothing embarrassing between the two big men. Li Tianyou treated him like a future brother-in-law, and walked out together with his arms around him.

"Brother-in-law, just say anything if you want."

"Haha..." Li Tianyou laughed, "I changed my mind so soon, I haven't given you a red envelope yet!"

"Well... I owe it. Anyway, my sister will marry you sooner or later. It's not impossible to get used to it in advance."

"So... Auntie agreed?" Li Tianyou called him out specially, just to ask about the situation.

Li Tianyou frowned and said, "I'm not sure, but my sister went back to tell my mother this time to publicize your feat of saving her, how exaggerated how to come, my mother doesn't know if you believe it... but you leave me It’s a fact that sister's fate is so important, so I have given up thinking about it. I support your brother-in-law, come on!"

Li Tianyou patted his shoulder with relief, "My brother-in-law, I'm relying on you to help me! Help me say a few more words about the future mother-in-law!"

It seems that this time it was a blessing in disguise, at least it won the brother-in-law?



"Mom, don't think about it, their family..." Gu Tong chased it out, trying to explain what happened just now, "Something happened to their family recently."

Mother Gu asked: "Something happened?"

Gu Tong nodded, "It's God's cousin, Chu Chu's sister-in-law, who had an accident some time ago and passed away."

Mother Gu took a deep breath, "So this is the case? I thought...their family won't wait to see us."

"No," Gu Tong explained, "His parents are very nice. They never had a class concept and would not look down upon us. This happened not long ago, and their family is in a bad mood. This time we invite our family Eating is entirely out of courtesy. If you want to celebrate the New Year, the two families have a casual meal to get to know you."

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