You For Eternity

Chapter 1209: One double for a lifetime (188)

Chu Chu went back first, but Xiao Yuanhang's suggestion she also took it seriously, and when to mention it with her father.

From the beginning to the end of the meal, Qianyi, who was sitting on the children's chair by the side, was always behaved. The adults were chatting, but he never interrupted, obediently eating the food that Chuchu caught in his bowl.

Qianyi is still young, at least physically, it is still a bit laborious to clamp some dishes in the center of the table.

The diameter of the round table in the restaurant is not too small, so he wants to pinch it unless he stands up.

However, Qianyi did not speak, probably because he was not interested in the topic they were talking about.

Qianyi was sitting between Chu Chu and Qian Chenghai, and Qian Chenghai would occasionally pinch something for him, and he felt terribly pained for this grandson who had no blood relationship with him.

Sometimes, blood relationship is not so important to them.

While eating and eating, Su Yue asked again, "Chu Chu, what important thing does Li Hengzhi have for the New Year's Eve, and I am not busy until now? It is New Year's Eve, no matter how important it is. Is it important to be with my wife and children?"

This question can stump Chu Chu.

She doesn't know the reason, how can she answer her?

On the way here, my father also asked about it, and she fumbled and asked about it again at the dinner table.

In fact, Xiao Yuanhang had discovered this problem a long time ago, but he just didn't ask.

Why didn't Li Hengzhi come? He seemed to have no identity to ask.

He had been in contact with that man several times and was quite repulsive, so he didn't want to see him if he didn't come.

"Is there something very important for the company, he wants to come too." Chu Chu replied.

The word "ba" shows that Chu Chu is not sure about it.

So Su Yue was puzzled and asked again: "Does their company not have a holiday? Everyone should go home for the New Year?"

"Daddy is very busy, don't blame him." Qianyi said.

Chu Chu didn't know if it was really strange, but she smiled and touched his head, which seemed to agree.

This child has always taken care of his shortcomings.

Xiao Wanfeng took a mouthful: "Well, it's his wife and children. If it's not something important, they will definitely come, you don't understand."

"Well, I don't understand, but you men understand."

At the end of the meal, everyone started giving red envelopes.

However, all of you present here are adults except Qianyi. This red envelope is naturally for Qianyi.

Su Yue and Xiao Wanfeng each gave Qianyi a pack, but Chu Chu quickly refused: "Uncle and aunt, just one."

More than that, she even suspected that Xiao Yuanhang had wrapped one for her child.

"It's okay!" Su Yue handed over both red envelopes, "I and him are not in the same family, so I keep them."

"..." Chu Chu was speechless, how could this not be a family.

"Thank you Grandma Su, Grandpa Xiao."

"No thanks," Su Yue touched Qianyi's little head, "we Qianyi will grow up soon. Grandma likes you, you know?"

"Yeah!" The blue eyes narrowed with a smile.

Qianyi is so good-looking and smart that no one would dislike him.

Looking at Qianyi, Su Yue couldn't help thinking, if there were no accidents back then, her grandson should be as big as Qianyi.

Even if it’s not with Taozi, Churui doesn’t commit sins, grandson should be so big...

It's a pity that the past is gone.

Probably she has no offspring.

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