You For Eternity

Chapter 1210: One twin for a lifetime (189)

Chu Chu could also see that Aunt Su liked Qianyi so much, and she definitely wanted a grandson too.

No matter if you don't like Qian Churui, Auntie must also look at Qian Yi and think of the "grandson" she lost.

Chu Chu thought a little far away, until the corner of his eye saw movement on the left.

Xiao Yuanhang drew out a red envelope and handed it to Qianyi: "Qianyi, this is the New Year's Eve money from your uncle. I wish you a happy growth in the coming year."

Qianyi was also very polite, and took it with both hands: "Thank you, uncle."

To this Xiao Yuanhang, his mother's ex-boyfriend in a certain sense, and one of their big boss's love rivals, Qianyi couldn't say how she felt.

I hate it, I don’t hate it, and I can’t like it if I like it. Before I have any new impressions, it is just like that in Qianyi's heart, neutral.


Uncle Ye from Linshui, his mother's real ex-boyfriend, is still good in theory. If he came to pick up the plate, Xiao Taozi would not be able to stand his grievance.

How could Chu Chu think that Xiao Qianyi was holding a red envelope, thinking about these things in her heart?

If she knew that the little guy smelled something different, she would give her some advice in her heart early, and she would have to vomit blood on the spot!

Qianyi has already received the red envelopes from the Xiao family’s parents. This will receive Xiao Yuanhang’s. This... This Xiao family has three people in total, and there are also three people and one red envelope. Look at these three red envelopes. The thickness is all right. There is also a lot of money in it. With their identity, they certainly wouldn't put ten or twenty yuan in banknotes, at least they would be red?

"Qianyi, you can't collect so much." Chu Chu said solemnly.

"Uncle gave it," Qianyidao, "If you don't accept it, you won't give face."


Nima, is it still talking about face?

This little guy!

Of course Qianyi wasn't greedy for such a small amount of money.

Some time ago, she heard something, that is, before she had a formal showdown with Li Hengzhi, Tongtong accompanied the little guy to find Li Hengzhi about cooperation.

Yes, talk about cooperation!

If she hadn't heard them confess in unison, she would have thought it was a joke to her!

She also read the planning book. His words were naive, but occasionally sharp, just like Qianyi's handwriting.

The most unexpected thing is that Li Hengzhi actually let the game company under the Honor Group start to include this project.

Now that the project is on the right track, the investor has signed a contract, and part of the deposit has been paid, so...Li Hengzhi fulfilled the promise he had made at the time and put the money into his private account. on.

Chu Chu broke his fingers and forgot, and cried.

She doesn’t know how many years she will make for the money that this little guy has made with such a flutter...

What an abnormal and terrible gene!

A veritable general manager...

Ever since, Qianyi, who is now a little rich man, doesn't care about this red envelope money. New Year, everyone is happy.

Of course she also knew that the Xiao family didn't care about the money either, but it was not easy for her to collect so much.

"Yes, not receiving it will not give me face."

Su Yue also smiled and said: "What's the matter, those red envelopes don't have much money, the kids are happy to keep them, don't be an adult's place, and push them around."

Qian Chenghai also said: "That's right, Chu Chu, what is our relationship with your Uncle Xiao's family? It's a confession to be so polite!"

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